These worksheets give your beginning students practice identifying whether given numbers are prime or composite.

In mathematics, there is a variety of different numbers. Understanding these values is crucial for students as it helps in solving a wide a range of mathematical problems. Whole, real, complex, integers, primes, and composite values are the few types of numbers that students have to deal with. Composite numbers are all those numbers that can be divided exactly by other whole numbers. Prime numbers cannot be divided exactly by anything other than themselves and one. We worry about labeling all of these integers because it really helps us when we start to factor and reduce values. By definition, these values are, "a whole number that cannot be made by multiplying other whole numbers." A prime number has only two factors, 1 and the number itself. Many people confuse as a prime number when it is not a prime number. A few years ago, 1 was in the family of primes, but as per the understanding of mathematicians, it is no more regarded as one. Primes cannot be divided up exactly such as 5 and 7. The composite values on the other hand are defined as; "a Composite Number is when a number can be divided exactly by a whole number other than itself."

Once you know something is a prime value, you know you can't break it down any further and it must be in the lowest form. These worksheets explain how to identify whether a given number is a prime or composite number. Students should already be familiar with how to determine factors.

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Prime or Composite Numbers Worksheets

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Prime and Composite Numbers Lesson and Practice

Students will learn about how to classify numbers after they have analyzed it carefully.

Practice Worksheet

Students will identify values as prime or composite. Ten problems are provided.

Sheet of Practice

Students will straight up identify whether value is considered to be prime or composite. Ten problems are provided.

Skill Review and Practice

This worksheet reviews the concepts that are presented here and remind you of the concept of using factors. A sample problem is solved and six practice problems are provided.

Topic Quiz

Students demonstrate their proficiency recognizing these classification and see where it goes. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Checkup

This is a great worksheet for reviewing the concept that this topic presents to students.