How do you teach counting through coloring? Do you often get troubled with counting, or is it your younger on who is facing a problem with counting? Well, there is no big deal, and counting in itself is not a complicated task. The first thing you need to do is to make children learn the numbers. Make them repeat the numbers over and over so that they know which number is which. The second step is that you place different objects in front of them and make them count with you. One of the simplest and the most effective method of learning to count by giving your children books with pictures that they can color. The more pictures they have the more they can color and for each image they are coloring ask them to count along. Ensure that they are saying the number out loud! Give them images of various objects so that they are excited to count!
We start this section off with basic coloring as you count objects. We then start working on the skill of sorting and determining value of counts. Two of sheets need to be printed in color, they make great overheads that you can cover and do as a whole classroom lesson. There are sheets in the section to allow students to work completely independently. Your students will use these worksheets to practice following directions by coloring a specified number of simple pictures according to the instructions. Please note that in some cases, student answers may vary.