The following activity sheets will give your kindergarten students practice in estimating weight and volume.

How do you estimate the weight and the volume of an object? Have you ever seen your teachers, elders, and friends making wild guesses about a material, object, and a person? Does this make you wonder how you are so well at making such estimates? If that's what you think, here we tell you a little secret. You can make wild guesses or estimates too about the weight of objects or persons. Estimating is a skill that you will greatly need in mathematics as well as in your daily life. To make it easier for you, let's make you learn estimation starting with a grocery store. Look at the example below: You are on a grocery store and you find your favorite golden apples there. You notice that the apples are for $1. 00 a pound. This is something to keep in mind before you start filling your shopping bag. Remember you have only $2.00 in your handbag, and you can't buy more than two pounds of apples. How will you make sure you don't cross 2 pounds? Yes, you can do it with a scale, but consider that it's broken too. One strategy you can use is trying making mental estimation with similar objects. Use specific weight units like ounce for lighter objects, pounds for medium objects, and kilograms for heavy objects. You can use the similar method for estimating volume, that is, how much you can fit in an object. Depending on the size of the object, the volume of an object varies.

These worksheets introduce the basic practice of measurements and comparing them. The problems start by giving students the concept of which holds more liquid. This is probably the first time they will start to understand the concept of volume. The concept of mass and weight is offered up to students. They will try to estimate which object weighs more. We did our best to make sure the groups of objects are easily recognizable to youngsters. These worksheets explain how to estimate weight and volume by comparing simple pictures of common things. Note that pictures are not shown in their relative sizes.

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Estimating Weight Worksheets

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Estimating Lesson and Practice

Choose which item holds more. Compare the two items- Jug and salt-pepper shaker. Analyze which holds more - Jug holds more than salt-pepper shaker.


Students will estimate and compare which item weighs more as indicated. Ten problems are provided.


Students will look at the pictures and estimate weight and/or volume to compare. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

Choose which item holds more for problems 1-3 and which item weighs more for problems 4-6.


Choose which item holds more for problems 1-5 and which item weighs more for problems 6-10.

Skills Check

Students will compare pictures and estimate. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.