These activity sheets will give your kindergarten students practice in comparing groups using simple pictures.

How to Teach the Concepts of More or Less? Many mathematical representative terms are difficult for students and they find them tricky to remember. Just like greater than, less than and equal to. But don't worry, these concepts are fairly simple and with the right example, your students will be able to recognize what greater than, less than, and equal is. More - Pick two students from your class. Give four books to one of them and two to the other. Now, tell them the difference between the quantities. Explain what does greater mean and lesser mean. Now ask them to identify which student has the larger quantity. Once they have done that, tell them how to compare, how quantities are different from one another. Once their concepts have clarified, now tell them that Student A has a greater number of books than Student B. Less - Once they have identified the greater than concept, the rest becomes easy. All you have to do now is point them in the right direction. Just ask them if we have to highlight the lesser quantity, what do we do. They will get the idea and say that Student B has lesser books than Student A.

Students will start to work on the concept of more (larger) and less (smaller) number of objects between different sets of objects. This is a fun and unique way to compare between sets. This also helps students read and follow written directions. This is a skill that many instructors often overlook. Your students will use these worksheets to practice comparing groups of objects by counting simple pictures and identifying which group has more.

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More or Less Worksheets

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More or Less Lesson

Draw a red box around the group, which has more objects in it. The first group has 5 oranges. The second group has 4 pears. There are more oranges than pears. You should draw a red box around the oranges.

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Lesson and Practice

Students will determine which group has more or less. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


Students will count and identify the group with the most or the least. Ten problems are provided.


Draw a box around the group of images which has more objects.

Skill Drill

Students will count and compare the sets that are given to them. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

Students demonstrate skill in determining which group is larger or smaller based on the number of images that appears. Three problems are provided.