These worksheets give your students practice in determining the volume and/or surface area of cubes.

The surface area of a cube is basic the total amount of space the outside surface of the cube occupies. Surface area is a very important concept in business when design products it tells us how much material we will need to create the product. To find the surface area of a cube will square the length of each side of the cube and multiply that by six. Volume is a measure of how space the cube takes up. Since all the sides are equal lengths in a cube, you can just cube the length of sides.

These worksheets explain how to determine the volume and/or surface area of a given cube. All necessary measurements are supplied within the graphic, and formulas have been included.

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Finding the Surface Area and Volume of a Cube Worksheets

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Surface Area and Volume of a Cube Lesson

This worksheet explains how to determine the volume and/or surface area of a given cube. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Surface Area and Volume of a Cube Worksheet

Students will determine the volume and/or surface area of a given cube. Ten problems are provided.


Find the volume of a cube, multiply the length by the width by the height (L × w × h).

Surface Area and Volume of a Cube Review and Practice

A cube has six equal sides. To find the surface area of a cube, first find the area of one side (L × L or L2), then multiply that number by 6.

Cube Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency determining the volume and/or surface area of a given cube. Ten problems are provided.

Skill Check

Students will determine the volume and/or surface area of a given cshape. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

How Do You Calculate the Surface Area and Volume of a Cube?

If you have ever wondered what a cube looks like, then look at the shape of a cheese. Mathematically, a cube is defined as a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets or sides, with three meeting at each vertex. This shape is the only regular hexahedron and is one of the five Platonic solids. It has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices. Surface Area of A Cube - The formula = 6a2. a is the length of the side of each edge. It's fairly simple. In a cube, all the sides measure the same. a is just the length of one side. We have 96 = 6a2 → a2 = 16, so that's the area of one face. Volume of A Cube - The volume = a3. The volume defines the number of cubic units that are occupied by the cube completely. A cube is a solid three-dimensional figure, having 6 square faces or sides. Again, the dimensions of the figure are same so we need one value, and then calculate the answer using the formula.