The following activity sheets give your students practice in calculating tolerances and degrees of error.

We are human, we often make mistakes. Even the most trusted and trained professional makes mistakes in readings or interpretations of data as they are collecting or observing it. Every experiment has a tolerance or allowance for error to a certain degree. In fact, engineers are constantly looking into the standard error of measurement values and seeing if the conditions allow their calculations to have errors and if so to what extent.

What Are the Classifications of Errors in Measurement? In the field of natural sciences, there are different types of measurement errors that you must keep in mind during your calculation. There are three types of errors in measurement. Let us discuss each of them in detail. Gross Errors - Gross errors occur when you make a mistake when using instruments or meters; recording data results or calculating measurements. These errors can be caused by operators or people due to a lack of focus. For instance, the value of pressure showed is 1.10 N/m2, but the operator rights down 1.01 N/m2. Blunders - As the name suggests, blunders are those errors that occur due to putting the wrong values or measurements on the sheet. Measurement Error - Errors occurring due to the variation of measurement of true value are known as the measurement error. It can consist of both systematic error or random error. These worksheets explain how to calculate tolerances and degrees of error within given measurements. Though formulas are presented, students should already have a passing familiarity with the subject.

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Error in Measurement Worksheets

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Error in Measurement Lesson

A measurement of a certain park is taken to be 300 m in length and 400 m in width. The absolute error is + 0.15 m. What is the relative Error in the measurement?


Students will determine tolerances and degrees of error within given measurements. Ten problems are provided.


A measurement of a certain house Area is taken to be 100 m in length and 50 m in width. The absolute error is + 0.75 m. Find the relative error in the area of that part?

Review and Practice

The measurement of a rectangular book is 40 cm length and 10 cm width and with the absolute error is 0.05cm. What is the range of tolerance?


Mr. Ron went to give the measurement of a Dining table. The carpenter takes the measurement of 50cm length and 40cm width with the absolute error +0.5 cm. Find the relative error in the Width of that part?


A circular toy has the radius of 3 m rounded to the nearest meter But the actual radius is 3.1 m. What is the absolute error in the measurement of the radius?

Measurement Errors Lesson

This worksheet explains how to solve the problem: A measurement of a field is taken to be 360m in length and 400 m in width. The absolute error is + 0.04 m. What is the range of tolerance for length of the field?


Students will calculate tolerances and degrees of error within given measurements. Ten problems are provided.


A part of a cutting machine is to have a width of 1.4 inches and length of 4 inches + 0.3 inch. Find the percent of error in area of that part of machine?

Review and Practice

A part of a drilling machine is to have a width of 3.2 inches and length of 8 inches + 0.4 inch. What is the upper limit of the range of tolerance for length?


Find the relative error in the length of that part of bottle?


Students will calculate tolerances and degrees of error within given measurements. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.