These activity sheets give your students practice in adding and subtracting fractions of measurement units.

How Do You Go About Converting Between Fractions and Decimals in Measures? Throughout our studies in decimal and fraction conversions, we learned different ways through which we can go about it. However, in our daily lives, when we deal with measurements, we don't write 4.2 kg of wheat. But, we write both kilograms and grams; to ensure that we understand the situation well. So, let's discuss how we can convert fractions and decimals when dealing with measurements. 1. For instance, you have 134/20 kg of cement. Let us convert them. 2. The first step is to convert the fraction in grams, which will help us later in the calculation. The answer is 134000/20 grams. If we cut zeros from both numerator and denominator; we can get an answer of 13400/2 or 6700 grams. 3. Now, this becomes easier. If we separate 6000 + 700, we can see that 6000 means 6kgs, and 700 is in grams. 4. The answer becomes 6kg and 700 grams. Keep in mind that for these calculations to work, you must know the conversion formula of different measurement units.

This section forces students to think about real world measurement problems. Everything is presented in a word problem form. I would start each problem by identifying the unit of measure that you are working with. After that I would look for the simple conversion like years to days or inches to feet. These problems with also ask you to perform a basic math operation in most cases addition or multiplication. These worksheets explain how to add and subtract fractions of measurement units, such as hours and minutes or miles and feet. Answers may be in fraction or decimal form.

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Converting Between Fractions and Decimals Measures Worksheets

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Converting Measures Lesson

We show you how to convert minutes to hours. We end off showing both the decimal and fraction form.

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Decimals as Fractional Measures Lesson and Practice

How many feet are 0.44 miles? I often find myself doing a similar calculation on my Iphone to gauge if I am getting enough exercise.

Whole Number Values To Fractions and Decimals Measures Worksheet

Students will be given a set value and asked to convert it to a unit rate in many cases.

Measures Practice

These are really cool problems for students to have to tackle they will open up your math imagination. Simple example: How many hours are there in 584 minutes?

How Many Drill

Students will be given a decimal measure and asked how many unit of a different measure it is composed of.

Converting Warm Up

A certain comet takes 1980 earth years to go once around the sun. How many earth days is that? A board is divided into 7 parts with each part being 2 3/4 feet. How long is the original board?