These activity sheets give your students a review of multiplication using four- and five-digit numbers.

How to Multiply 4- and 5-Digit Values : Example#1: Find the product of 3,769 and 2. Regrouping the numbers in four steps. First, place the numbers in place value chart. Step#1: Multiply the ones - 2 × 9 (ones) =18 (ones) . Thus, regroup 18 (ones) = 1 (tens) + 8 (ones). Step#2: Multiply the tens. 2 (tens) × 6 (tens) = 12 (tens). 12 (tens) + the carried over 1 (tens) = 13 (tens). Regroup 13 (tens) = 1 hundred + 3 (tens). Step#3: Multiply the hundreds. 2 ×7=14 (hundreds). Now, 14 (hundreds) + the carried over 1 (hundreds) =15 (thousands). Thus, regroup 15 (hundreds) = 1(thousand)+ 5 (hundreds). Step#4: Multiply the thousands. 2 (thousands) × 2 (thousands) = 6 (thousands). Now, 6 (thousands) + the carried over 1 (thousands) = 7 (thousands). Thus, 3,769 × 2 = 7,538 (product) Example#2: Find the product of 34,654 and 3. Place the numbers in place value charts. Multiply the ones 4 × 3=12. Write 2 in one's column and carry over the 1 in tens columns. Next, multiply the tens 5 × 3 = 15 and 1 + 15 = 16. Thus, write 6 in the tens column and carry over 1 in hundred's column. Next, 6 × 3 = 18 and 18 + 1 = 19. Thus, write 9 in the hundred's column and carry over 1 in thousand's column. Next, 4 × 3 = 12 and 12 + 1 = 13. Thus, write 3 in thousands column and carry over in ten thousand's column. Finally, 3 × 3 = 9 and 9 + 1 = 10. Thus, write 0 in one thousand's column and 1 in the lac's column. Thus the product = 34,654 × 3 = 1,03,962

When working with very large numbers commas and more particular paying attention to commas is a huge difference maker. I often prefer to write the numbers much larger when I multiply and keep the values into columns. This makes it clear and easy to see. A quick trick that you can do when working with two large even numbers is to divide the first number in half and double the second number. It makes it easier to work with and actually works. These worksheets explain how to do multiplication using four- and five-digit numbers. Working with large numbers will require you to space your writing so you have places to make notes.

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4 and 5 Digit Multiplication Worksheets

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1. Start with the product of 3 from under ones place. 2. Take the product of 1 from under the tens place. Place a 0 in the ones column. The example shows an X. 3. Take the product of 2 from under hundreds place. Place a 0 in the ones and tens column. The example shows an XX. 4. Take the product of 1 from under thousands place. Place a 0 in the ones, tens, and hundreds column. The example shows an XXX. 5. Add all these products. 6. Required Product = 41547676.

Multiply Four and Five Digits by Four Digits Worksheet

Students will find the product of four and five-digit by four-digit numbers. Ten problems are provided.


This practice sheet has a nice bold font for you to work with. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

The concept of multiplying 12421 and 12131 are explored and fully described for you. 1. Start with the product of 1 from under ones place. 2. Take the product of 3 from under the tens place. Place a 0 in the ones column. The example shows an X. 3. Take the product of 1 from under hundreds place. Place a 0 in the ones and tens column. The example shows an XX. 4. Take the product of 2 from under thousands place. Place a 0 in the ones, tens, and hundreds column. The example shows an XXX. 5. Take the product of 1 from under ten thousands place. Place a 0 in the ones, tens, hundreds and thousand column. The example shows an XXX. 6. Add all these products. 7. Required Product = 162,810,151


Students will demonstrate their ability to solve these types of problems. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice multiplying four and five-digit numbers by four-digit numbers. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Multiply Four and Five Digits by Five Digits Lesson

Full walk through of finding the product of: 54623 and 19356. Step 1: Multiply the digit at the ones place (6) with 54632. Step 2: Add a 'x' in the ones place. Multiply the digit at the tens place (5) with 54632. Step 3: Add 'x' in the ones and tens place. Multiply the digit at the hundreds place (3) with 54632. Step 4: Add 'x' in the ones, tens and hundreds place. Multiply the digit at the thousands place (9) with 54632. Step 5: Add 'x' in the ones, tens, hundreds thousands place. Multiply the digit at the ten thousands place (1) with 54632.

Lesson and Practice

Students will review all the concepts and skills that relate to these forms of multiplication. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

Multiply Four and Five Digits by Five Digits Worksheet

Students will process a series of multiplication calculations with four and five-digit numbers. Ten problems are provided.


Make sure to line up the place values to help you keep track of where this is going. Ten problems are provided.


Use this worksheet as another set of practice for this skill. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

A nice way to review or break in the concept of multiplication with five-digit numbers. Three problems are provided.