These activity sheets will give your introductory students a review of multiplication using single-digit numbers.

How to Learn Your Multiplication Facts - Multiplication plays a vital role in easing many mathematical problems. Children are taught these multiplication facts from a young age. In fact, these multiplication facts are crucial in childhood mathematics. Many advanced mathematical concepts are solved and based on these facts. Therefore, it is necessary for every child to master these facts to perform complicated mathematical problems easily and efficiently. Here are a few tricks and tips that will make multiplication facts learning easier. First things first, don't try to learn every time tables approach one time at a time. Start with the simplest tables like 2s, 5s, and 10s. Starting with simple tables will help you in approaching difficult tables in a better way. When you get to difficult tables, you will know a few facts. Give yourself some time to learn and memorize every table. Don't try to learn all the tables all at once. In reality, learning every table at a time is the worst way of memorizing multiplication facts. Select one times table and focus on memorizing that table. Once you have learned that table by heart, only then move on to the next one. Ask someone to quiz you on the times table you learned recently. Quizzing will enhance your memorization of the tables and keep these learned facts fresh in your mind.

There are many different ways to help students learn their single digit multiplication. Many teachers focus on teaching through repetition such as flashcards or times tables. While those strategies have been affective for years students with lesser attention spans often struggle with this. Even so a 1992 study found that when it comes to multiplication memorization is a far superior method for retaining math facts. Your elementary students will use the following worksheets to strengthen their memorization of the basic times tables by multiplying single-digit numbers. Many pages focus on using specific numbers as the multipliers.

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Single Digit Multiplication Worksheets

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Basic Multiplication Skills Worksheet

Students will solve single-digit multiplication problems.


Students will find the products for single-digit multiplication problems. Ten problems are provided.


Students will strengthen their memorization of the basic times tables by multiplying single-digit numbers. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice basic times tables skills. Ten problems are provided.

Practice Basic Multiplication Skills

Students will solve problems using basic times tables skills. Ten problems are provided.


Students will solve single-digit multiplication problems. Ten problems are provided.

Single Digit Multiplication Lesson

This worksheet explains how to solve product based problems with numbers between one and ten. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.


Students will solve product focused problems with numbers between one and ten. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice solving multiplication problems with numbers between one and ten. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

The concept of how to solve problems with numbers between one and ten is reviewed. A sample problem is solved. Six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their ability to find the solution to problems with numbers between one and ten. Ten problems are provided.


Students will solve products with numbers between one and ten. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Multiplying Single Digits Lesson

This worksheet explains how to solve single-digit products. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

Students will review how to solve single-digit exercises. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


Students will work more with single-digit values. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice with products some more. Ten problems are provided.


Students will work themselves through a series of exercises. Eight problems are provided.

Show Off

Students will solve a series of operations based exercises. Twenty-five problems are provided.

Warm Up

See how well you understand the concepts that we have presented here. Three problems are provided.