The following activity sheets will give your students an introduction to percentages, fractions, and decimals.

Dealing with fractions can be difficult when you are performing mathematical operations in your daily lives. For instance, if you run a store, and you are telling the suppliers that 4/5th of your inventory is finished. He will most probably don’t understand you. Or you want to tell your customers that they get a 1/3rd discount on their entire purchase because of Christmas, they wouldn’t be using calculators at your store. Thus, comes the concept of percentage. It provides another way of representing factions and decimals. It just means per hundred. So, if you get 50%, that means 50 per hundred or half. A definite upgrade to the complicated decimal or fraction representation.

A percentage is value that tells you how much of a whole you have. Percentages are expressed as ratios with one hundred being the denominator. Something to always keep in mind is that percentages are relative in their size and value. If you own 1% of $500 piece of fitness equipment, that's not a lot ($5 to be exact). If you own 1% of Apple Computers (worth over one-trillion dollars), that's a whole different level. These worksheets explain how to convert between percentages, fractions, and decimals. Students will also rewrite word problems to calculate the actual value of a given percentage.

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Introduction to Percentages Worksheets

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Introduction to Percentages Lesson

Write as an equivalent fraction with denominator 100, then as a decimal and a percent. To find the equivalent fraction of 4/5 with denominator 100, we have to follow the following steps: We have to find a number which when multiplied by denominator makes it 100; multiplying 5 (denominator) by 20 makes it 100.

Lesson and Practice

Students will write a visual in percentage form. Count the total squares. There are 100 squares. Count the colored squares. There are 43 colored squares. 43 out of 100 squares are colored.

Independent Worksheet

Students will convert between percentages and decimals. Ten problems are provided.

Practice Worksheets

Students will practice converting between decimals and percentages. Ten problems are provided.

Skill Drills

Students will convert all the given values to different equivalent form of notation. Eight problems are provided.

Percentages Warm Up

Students will practice turning a visual data set to a different format. Three problems are provided.

Understanding Percent Lesson

The given grid has 100 squares and if 1 square represents 8 flowers that means 100 squares will represent 8 x 100 flowers. To get the number of flowers in the colored square, the colored squares are counted which comes out to be 27. So number of flowers in 27 colored squares are 27 x numbers of flowers in 1 square = 27 x 8 = 216.

Lesson and Practice

Rewrite the sentences using exact amount of things, and not percent. 34% of $1,420 was paid as taxes by Kate.

Understanding Percent Worksheet

Students will be given a key to work off of to complete all the missing parts. Ten problems are provided.

Understanding Percent Practice Sheet

Use the information to fill in the charts. Round off the nearest whole if required.

Percent Drills

Students will perform the indicated conversions by writing new math sentences. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

We will continue on working on this skill as a group activity. Three problems are provided.