These activity sheets teach your students how to find the missing numbers in percentage equations.

If you know the concept of percentages and why they are used, then the next step is to understand how to find the value. Firstly, you must understand that to find a percentage of a value, and you need to have a value in the first place. For instance, you have a perfume, and it costs about $400, but the store places a discount of 30% on each item. So, how can we calculate the discounted price of perfume? First of all, we'll take the original price of $400 and multiply 30 to it. Now, as you recall, the percentage is the value per hundred of any given value. So, we'll divide the above equation with 100. 400 × 30 / 100 : 400 × 30 / 100 = 12%.

We really start to run away with this topic. Students are challenged by working to find percentages of fixed numbers. We use this skill all the time in our daily lives. Trying to determine that tip you should leave at the restaurant, just multiply it by 0.15. If you are feeling generous, multiply it by 0.2. It is pretty easy to find the percentage of any number. All you need to do is convert the percentage to a decimal, by moving the decimal point two places to the left. Then multiply that decimal value by the number itself. Your students will use these worksheets to learn how to calculate the given expression in order to determine the missing values, such as finding the larger number whose percentage value is provided.

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Missing Percentages of Values Worksheets

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Percentages of Missing Numbers Worksheet

Students will determine the percentage of the missing number. Ten problems are provided.


More practice with the same skill we have just visited. Ten problems are provided.


It is all about finding the percentage of the missing number. Ten problems are provided.

Numbers Based on Percentages Lesson

What percentage of 15 is 5? Here the percent value needs to be obtained, for this an equation can be created, just say the percent value is z, => z% of 15 = 5.

Lesson and Practice

We will work on problems like: Find a number so that 12% of it is 216? A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


Students will determine what number is the specified percent of the given number. Ten problems are provided.


You will work through all the different values that we have explored. Ten problems are provided.


These questions will make life a little easier for your future problems. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

See where these problems start you off and go from there. Three problems are provided.

Percent of a Number Lesson

The initial step of calculating the percent of any numbers is to change the percentage into a decimal. When you see the word "of" in problems, that means multiplication, so take the decimal and multiply by the number.

Lesson and Practice

You will learn how to calculate what a percentage decrease or increase of a value is. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


We look at how to apply these concepts to all different types of practical applications. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice finding the missing number in the equation that is presented in each exercise. Ten problems are provided.


We take this skill to the whole next level with this series of exercises. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

This is the next great introduction and review activity for you. Three problems are provided.