These activity sheets will give your beginning students an introduction to working with base tens.

This is the common method that we use to measure a place value. As we know when a place value is greater than nine, that value carries over to the place to the left. With base ten each place value can have a minimum value of zero and a maximum value of nine. This basically defines how we carry out many different operations in math. The base ten system makes it pretty simple to convert between values of currency and decimal values. Since the concept is each place is a difference of ten, a difference of two places is a hundred value difference (10 x 10). To take it further, a difference of three places is a thousand value difference (10 x 10 x 10). The base ten system is just another name that is often used for the decimal number system. All the numbers in this number system are formed by combining tens or hundreds. If we look at the movement between each place value we will notice that it differs by tens.

The series of lessons and worksheets that are presented here help you understand the concept of the value of base ten within the place value system. These worksheets help students to practice identifying place values, regrouping numbers, breaking numbers apart, and more. Many questions use simple illustrations for grouping and calculating tens/ones.

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Base Ten Worksheets

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Base Ten Lesson

This worksheet explains how find the value of groups of base ten blocks. A sample problem is solved.

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Lesson and Practice

After you complete this section you are expecting to remember that a full tile is equal to one hundred, a row is equal to ten, and single blocks are worth 1.


Tell us what value is represented by the blocks that you see on the worksheet.


I find the best way to do these is to write each value of the blocks in each picture and then add them up.


Turn these into sum problems now that you have the hang of them.

Warm Up

This can serve as a review or a quick class activity. Your choice!

Teens Lesson

Students will learn how to combine tens and ones to make teens. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

Now fill the blank by writing the name in the first blank and the number in the second blank.


Work some more with tens and ones place to create double digit values.

Teens in Words Practice

You will not only compose the number, but you will write the value in words.

Skill Drill

Students will gain proficiency in combining tens and ones and writing the name and the number. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

See how quickly you can finish this one up!

Tens and Ones Lesson

Students will learn how to break two-digit numbers down into tens and ones. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

You start with an expanded form number. Condense it and write the name for the sum.


For each problem write the given number in expanded form.

Tens and Ones Practice

Condense the values into two-digit numbers and finish by writing the number in words.

Visual Drill

You will given a visual series of problems that asks you to write the sum into an equation and then solve it.

Tens and Ones Visual Warm Up

Remember that each full block is worth ten and each incomplete block is the value of the ones place.

Visual Place Value Lesson

Step 1: Count ten objects. Step 2: Group those 10 objects. Step 3: Similarly, count and make the other groups of 10 objects. Step 4: There is 1 group of ten and 8 single bananas.

Lesson and Practice

This is a three-step problem. Convert the number into its' places. Write the value as an equation. Find the final sum.


Hint: The final sum should be equal to the starting number. Some students write that right away.


These objects are not grouped for you. You will need to group them before you start.


The drill will look pretty familiar, if you did the previous worksheets.

Warm Up

Remember: It is up to you to group these objects together.

Grouping Numbers Lesson

Students will learn how to count groups of numbers. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

Count ten objects. Similarly, count and make other groups of 10 objects. There are 3 groups of ten. Therefore, the total number of objects is 20.


We use the entire sheet to help you get accustom to grouping values.


Group the values and then complete the blanks at the bottom of the sheet.


There are only eight objects in the rows, don't get tricked.

Warm Up

Count out one row before you start this one.

Counting and Grouping Lesson

Count ten objects and draw a square around them. Write the number of groups of ten and the number of left over objects in their respective boxes.

Lesson and Practice

Students will review how to count the number of groups of ten and find the number of left over objects.


Write the respective number of groups in each box.


Each problem varies as far as how many objects are in a row.


The values have a wide range digits, but there is at least one tens value for each problem.

Warm Up

These are candles placed in rows and columns.

Ones and Tens Places Lesson

Count the number of blocks. The big block is made up of 10 small blocks.

Lesson and Practice

Fill in the table. Think of the '+' sign as 'and'.


You are told there is one tens block. How many single blocks are there?


Solve the problems by counting all the blocks. Complete the equation that is setup for you.


Students will gain good level of proficiency breaking down numbers into tens and ones using visual aids.

Warm Up

I would use this to remind you of the skill that we explored in this section.

Regrouping Meet the Skill

In the first step, we break a ten-pillar into little cubes. This is also called "regrouping", because ones and tens "changes groups" from the tens group into the ones.

Try the Skill

Break a ten into 10 ones. What do you get? You can draw ten pillars and cubes to help.

Practice the Skill

We tell you the number of tens, but how many ones blocks appear?

Practice the Skill Twice

Write the places that you see full.

Show the Skill

Finish it off with these ten problems.

Warm Up

Put those place values to work for you.