These worksheets teach your pre-k students to compare size, amount, similarity, match numbers, and more.

Teaching a student about measuring objects is a difficult ask, especially for younger ones. Because they not only have to learn which object is bigger or smaller than the other but also the difference in measurements. Therefore, instead of trying objects as examples, try something that is not only fun but can strengthen their concepts as well. So, you can use your hands and feet with yourself and the person next to you. You can use centimeters to measure your hands and feet. Now, the first step is to draw your hands on a piece of paper, then simply use a scale to measure them. And that is it!

Students will compare groups of objects and be asked to determine an outcome based on a relative trait given to you. Smaller means that it the lesser of the objects that are thrown at you. Largest size means that it takes up the most space. The best way to approach these lessons and worksheets is to find the value that uses up a great deal or very little amount of paper. Your pre-k students will use these activity sheets to compare sizes, amounts, similarities, differences, match numbers, and more. Students will answer questions using groups of simple graphics.

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Comparing Objects Worksheets

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Compare 2 Objects Introduction

Circle the group that has more in the group.

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Lesser Lesson and Practice

Which of these groups have fewer items.

Which Number Worksheet

Underline the correct number from the choices given same as the number of objects.

Groupless Practice

Which of the choices have least in each set of row?

The Largest Drill

We are looking for the largest group in each horizontal position.

Comparing Warm Up

Underline the group that has least number of things in a row and draw a box around the group that has largest number of items in the row.

Find the Biggest – Meet the Skill

Students will start to learn the concept of relative size.

Biggest Lesson and Practice

Starting with first triangle, we find that the third triangle is the biggest among the three triangles given. So, circle the biggest triangle i.e. the last triangle.

The Biggest Worksheet

Draw a red box around the biggest object.

What's The Biggest Practice

You will be looking to identify the image that appears to be the largest. Full disclosure it is the most blurry image.

Two to Choose From Drill

Underline the bigger one.

Warm Up To The Bigger One

Which one is the biggest?

Lesser Lesson

In the first group there are five things. In second group there are eight objects. Five is less than eight. So, draw a circle around the first group.

The Least Lesson and Practice

As we count, in the first group we have 5 hats, in the second we have 8 dolls, in the third we have 2 suns, in the fourth we have 2 pears, in the fifth we have 1 jar of honey (which is less than two). So, draw a red box around the jar of honey which is just one (that is less than two).

Practice Less Worksheet

Underline the group that has the least number of things.

Less Than 3 Practice

Draw a red box around the group that has less than 3 items in each row.

Which Has Less Drill

Underline the group on the right hand side, which has less objects than given on the left hand side.

Da Less Warm Up

Color the group of shapes on the right side that has less shapes than given on left side.

Make Them the Same - Meet the Skill

As we can see the only difference between the two clocks is the minute arm of the clock. Draw the missing minute arm of the clock to make it look like the first clock.

What's The Same? Try the Skill

Can you make the two light signals same?

Make The Same Practice the Skill

Underline the figure on the right which is same as the figure given on the left.

More Same Practice

Complete the figure on the right to make it same as that given on left.

What Does The Same Mean?

Draw a red box around the object from the two objects on right hand side that is same as given on the left hand side. Complete the other picture given on right hand side same as left hand side picture and also color it.

You Same Showoff

Find five pairs of things which are exactly same. Make boxes of same color around them (one pair).

Left Side Warm Up

Make the image given on right hand side same as that given on left hand side.

More or Less Skill Lesson

The first group has 4 dogs. The second group has 2 dogs. The first group has more dogs than the second group. So make a circle around the first group as it has more number of dogs.

Less Fish Skills

Circle the group that has less fish.

More or Less Practice Sheet

Color the group that has more objects, in each row.

Wish I Knew More Worksheet

Color the group that has less, in each row.

More Skills

Make a circle around the group that has more colored objects in a row.

Strike Out Warm Up

Strike the image that has less number of items in a row.

Same Skills Lesson

First, look at the picture on the left side of the column. Then look at the pictures on the right side of the column. Circle the picture that is the same as the first picture.

Find That Same Practice

Here, the first picture in the right column is the same as the first picture in the left column. So circle the first picture in the right column.

X On That Same Worksheet

Place an X on the picture that is the same as the first picture.

Which Is The Same?

X the heck out of that picture that is the same.

On The Left Skill

Which picture is the same as the first picture?

Same Warm Up

Use this one with your whole class to find the same.

What's Your Skill

Match the number of bats to the same number of balls.

Same Match Skill

Count the number of objects given on left hand side and draw the same number of objects in the space provided on right hand side and color them red.

Count Objects Skill

Count the number of items in each set and match it with the correct number of items given in the right hand side.

Same Practice the Skill Twice

Count the number of things given on the left hand side in each case and match them with the same number of things given on the right.

Find the Same Value Skill

Count the number of objects given on the left hand side and match them with the correct number written on the T-shirts on right hand side.

Turtle Warm Up

Count the number of objects given in each case and trace the correct number given on the right hand side.

Orange Skills

The first object and the second object are of same size, third object is smaller than the two. So, draw circles around the first two objects.

Apple Skill Worksheet

As we can see the first and the fourth objects are of same size. So, we will underline the first and fourth objects.

Same Size Worksheet

Draw a red box around the object given on the right hand side, which is of same size as the object given on the left hand side.

Same Size In The Row

Draw a red box around the objects which are of same size (in each row).

Which Are The Same, I Wonder?

Underline the objects which are the same size. There can be more than two objects which are of same size.

Wish It Was The Same?

Which of the pairs is the same?

Wish It Was Same Warm Up

Which of the following are of same size, circle them.

Which is Smaller - Meet the Skill

Underline the picture that is smaller.

Try Small Out

When all the horses are compared, the second horse is the smallest. So, draw a circle around the second horse, as it is smallest.

Practice For Small the Skill

Underline the image on the right which is smaller than the image given on extreme left.

Which is Smaller Skill Worksheet

Draw a red box around the object that is the smallest.

Which is Smaller For The Moment?

Mark a circle around the letter that is smallest in size (select from each row)

You Smaller Showoff

Underline the object which is smaller in each box.

Small Warm Up

Find the object that is smaller in the set.