How to teach subtraction by counting - Do you often get troubled with counting, or is it your younger on who is facing a problem with counting? Well, there is no big deal, and counting in itself is not a complicated task. There are a few tips that can help your kids to learn how to count. The first thing you need to do is to make children learn the numbers. Make them repeat the numbers over and over so that they know which number is which. The second step is that you place different objects in front of them and make them count with you. Let's say that you have placed four books in front of them. So make sure that you count along with them, and loudly so that they can recall numbers over and over. You can also use various flashcards and different pictures to make them learn the numbers. By using various techniques, they can learn counting better and with more enthusiasm!
This section is for students that are seeing subtraction for the first time ever. Subtraction is very frustrating for students because they first learned to count and most likely have very basic addition skills. Both of those topics have them counting up from small to large integers. Subtraction asks students to flip that whole concept. We present it as students counting backwards. Your pre-k students will use the following worksheets to learn how to perform simple subtraction problems. Students will cross out drawings of different objects and count the remainder within the group.