In these worksheets, students will learn to solve linear and quadratic functions graphically.

Equations of linear functions are graphed as straight lines because the x variable does not have an exponent. Quadratic functions are graphed as curves because the variable does have an exponent. Linear and quadratic equations can be solved either algebraically or graphically. In these worksheets, student will learn how to solve linear and quadratic functions graphically. They will first find the axis of symmetry. They will then use the value of the variable as the center of a domain for graphing each parabola. They will graph the linear equation on the same set of axes and find the y values for the straight line. They will then determine where the two graphs intersect. Graph paper will be required to accompany these worksheets. This set of worksheets contains step-by-step solutions to sample problems, both simple and more complex problems, reviews, and quizzes. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will be able to solve linear and quadratic functions graphically.

Quadratic equations are the ones where the highest power of the variables is 2. The general form of a quadratic equation is given by; ax2+ bx + c = o. There are four methods to solve quadratic equations. Factoring, completing the square, quadratic formula, and graphing. Using graphs is one of the easiest ways to solve quadratic equations. Before we get started, you must know that the roots of a quadratic equation are the x-intercepts of the graph. Use a table to draw the graph of the equation. The points on the x-axis that the graph passes through are the roots of the equation. These worksheets explain how to solve linear and quadratic equations graphically. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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Solving Quadratic Equations Graphically Worksheets

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Linear Quadratic Systems (Graphing) Page 1

Choose this new x value as the center of a domain for graphing parabola. Make a chart of values. Three values are usually tested above and below this x-value.

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Page 2

Students will find the axis of symmetry and ake a table, and fill in values of y. Two practice problems are provided.


Students will use graphs to solve linear and quadratic equations. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice breaking down a selection of linear quadratic equations and use a variety of aspects to solve exercises about them. Ten problems are provided.

Review Page 1

The concept of how to solve linear quadratic equations graphically is reviewed. A sample problem is solved.

Review Page 2

Substitute each value of x in the quadratic equation to find the corresponding values for y to complete the chart.


Students will demonstrate their ability with all of aspects of the concepts we have explored in this topic. Ten problems are provided.


This sheet can be used with a full classroom to see where they are at with this skill. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.


This worksheet will have you substitute random values for X and substitute in linear equation to find the value of Y. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Linear and Quadratic Equations (Solving Graphically) Worksheet

Students will solve linear and quadratic functions graphically. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice solving linear and quadratic functions graphically. Ten problems are provided.

Page 1

The concept of how to solve problems that expand in different directions to solve these types of exercises. A sample problem is solved.

Page 2

This is the second version of the sheet in this set of concepts. Six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with more advanced problems in this topic. Ten problems are provided.


Students will solve linear and quadratic functions using a variety of means including our good friend graphically. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.