In these worksheets, students will round decimals to the nearest whole, tenth, hundredth, and thousandth.

Estimating is an essential part of mathematics and a beneficial tool in daily life. Learning how to estimate distance, lengths, and other amounts help us significantly in everyday measurements. Rounding off the numbers is a type of estimation. Rounding off decimals work the same as rounding off whole numbers. When rounding off decimals, we typically round off to a whole number or one or two decimal places. When we talk about rounding off decimals to the whole number, we focus on the numbers present on tenths and one's places. Round off the decimal place to the nearest numbers, increasing or dropping the decimal point. For example, 7.1 will round off to 7. We will drop the 0.1 decimal point. Similarly, 33.9 will round off to 34. we will move one decimal point up. The tip here is that if the decimal place greater than 5, we move one decimal point up. When the place value is less than 5, we move down one decimal point down. If there are more places, then drop them. For example, 21.816 will round off to 22. 2.134 will round off to 2. When we are rounding off the decimal to two places, we will focus on second and third decimal places. For example, 43.4344 will round off to 43. 43. 25.5674 will round off to 25.57.

Rounding a number up or down means to make the number simpler, while still keeping its value close to what it was. Though a "round number" is less accurate, it is easier to use. In these worksheets, students will practice rounding decimals. They will be given decimals with a variety of place values, and will round them to the nearest whole, tenth, hundredth, and thousandth. They will practice identifying an exact number, based on information provided about how it would be rounded, and its relationship to other numbers. They will use rounded numbers to estimate the answer to two decimal digits then find the exact answer. In some problems, students will be given visual cues indicating which place value the decimal should be rounded to. In others, students will round decimals to the nearest whole number. This set of worksheets contains step-by-step solutions to sample problems, both simple and more complex problems, a review, and a quiz. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will be able to recognize basic properties of a parabola by studying its equation. These worksheets explain how to round decimals to the nearest whole, tenth, hundredth, and thousandth. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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Rounding Decimals Worksheets

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Rounding Decimals Lesson

This worksheet explains how to determine the value of a number based on how it would be rounded to the nearest whole, tenth, and hundredth. A sample problem is solved.

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Lesson and Practice

Students will use rounded numbers to estimate the answer to two decimal digits then find the exact answer. First, round the given numbers to two decimal digits. Find the place we want to round. Then, look one place to the right. If the digit is less than 5, round down. If the digit is 5 or higher, round up.


Students will round to the nearest whole, tenth, and hundredth. There are ten problems to tackle here.


You will be given a value and asked to round it to a specified place value.


Round the given value to either 3 or 4 based on what presents itself. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

We will tackle determine the value that is described by a math sentence. For example: 2 It has three decimal digits. When rounded to the nearest whole number, it becomes 5. When rounded to the nearest tenth, it becomes 5.4. When rounded to the nearest hundredth, it becomes 5.46. Its digits sum up to 17. Three problems are provided.


This worksheet explains how to round a number to the place value just to the right of the dashed line. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

This value is worked through and rounded down through a series of steps that are set out for you.

Rounding Worksheet

Students will round numbers to the place value just to the right of the dashed line. Ten problems are provided.


Students will get some extra work with the skill of rounding numbers to the nearest unit, tenth, and hundredth. There are ten problems to tackle here.


Just pay attention to how the decimal interacts with the dashed line. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

This is an excellent way to revisit all of the concepts that we have explored so far. Three problems are provided.


The numbers to the right of the decimal point are called the fractional part. The first number to the right of the decimal point is called tenths, the second number is called hundredths and the third number is called thousandths.


Rounding to the nearest thousandth means rounding the fractional part to just three numbers to the right of the decimal point.

Rounding to the Nearest Thousandths Practice

Students will practice rounding numbers to the nearest thousandth. Ten problems are provided.


In order to round to the nearest thousandth, three places to the right of the decimal point, look at the number four places to the right of the decimal point. If the number is less than 5, just remove it. If the number is 5 or more, add 1 to the thousandth.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with getting values to the thousandth place. There are ten problems to tackle here.


A good way to review or start fresh with this topic.

Rounding Thousandths Lesson

First find the digit of the place value that we are rounding. Look at the next smaller place. This cyclkes through all of the digits found in the value.

Lesson and Practice

Students will review how to round given numbers to the nearest thousandth. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


The focus here is the thousandth place. Students will work off of ten practice exercises.


We will push these values to the nearest thousandth. Ten problems are provided.


Students will round given numbers to the nearest thousandth. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

A nice sheet to use with your whole class to introduce or review all the concepts that we have explored here.

Rounding to the Nearest Hundredths Worksheet

You will take the value and round it to the nearest hundredths place. Write that value in the box. Students will work off of ten practice exercises.


Students will practice rounding the given numbers to the nearest hundredth. There are ten problems to tackle here.


Take the values that are given to you and round them to the nearest hundredth. Students will work off of ten practice exercises.

Rounding to the Mixed Places Worksheet

Given numbers, students will round to the indicated place value. There are ten questions for you to work with.


Students will practice rounding to the indicated place value. Ten problems are provided.

Mixed Values Drill

You will need to read the directions carefully here. There are ten problems to tackle here.

Rounding to the Tenths Worksheet

You will have some long decimal values, but do not let that trick you. There are ten questions for you to work with.


You will round a series of decimal numbers to the nearest tenth. Ten problems are provided.

Tenths Drill

Students will round numbers to the nearest tenth. Ten problems are provided.

Thousandth Worksheet

Students will round numbers to the nearest thousandth. There are ten questions for you to work with.


Move work with getting decimals to their nearest thousandth.


We are focused on the nearest thousandth value.

Rounding to the Nearest Whole Numbers Worksheet

The focus here is take a decimal and estimating it in whole number form. Ten practice problems for you.


We are going to make everything here a whole number. Ten problems are provided.

Concept Drill

Students will round numbers to the nearest whole numbers. Ten practice problems for you.