In these worksheets, students will learn to round and estimate numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

Rounding off numbers is something students are made to learn at a very early stage in mathematics. This is because it is crucial to understand the concept as they might need to solve problems that involve rounding off numbers. Rounding means to make a number simpler while keeping its value near or close to the real/exact value. For example, number 73 is rounded off to the number 70, and number 76 is rounded off to the number 80. The number becomes less accurate but easier to use. Similarly, if you have the number 0.1, the number is less than five, so you will round it off to 0, and if you have 0.9, the number is greater than 5 you will round it off to 1. It is important to note that in rounding off, you consider the number lesser or greater than 5 and then round it off accordingly. Rounding off is further categorized into rounding up and rounding down. Rounding up means even if the number is less than 5, say 0.1, you still round it up and make it 1. This is most common in cases when the event involves money. And rounding down means even if the number is 0.9, round it down to 0. This is understandable in situations when you are counting people to fit on a ride if half of a person can fit on the ride, but the other half cannot.; the whole person doesn't fit. And hence the person is eliminated from the count.

Rounding a number up or down means to make the number simpler, while still keeping its value close to what it was. Though a "round number" is less accurate, it is easier to use. In these worksheets, students will practice rounding numbers. They will round numbers to the nearest whole ten, hundred, and thousand, as well as to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and thousandth decimal place. In some problems, they will use number lines for reference. Some problems involve negative numbers. This set of worksheets contains step-by-step solutions to sample problems, both simple and more complex problems, a review, and a quiz. It also includes many worksheets that students can use to practice independently. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will be able to round and estimate numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand. These worksheets explain how to round and estimate numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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Fixed Number Rounding Worksheets

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Rounding and Estimating Lesson

First locate the number 276 on the number line. The red arrow shows the position of the number. Here, we have to round off 276 to the nearest whole ten. Look just to the right to it and if that digit is greater than or equal to 5, add one to the rounding digit and change all digits to the right of the rounding digit to zero.

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Lesson and Practice

Students will estimate a sum by rounding addends. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


Students will round the numbers to the nearest ten. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice estimating the outcome of sums. Ten problems are provided.


Students will estimate the differences of two given values. Eight problems are provided.


Students will round off the numbers to the nearest whole ten. Twenty-five problems are provided.

Completed Warm Up

This warmup sheet is completed for you to give you an example of this skill and get it all together.

Rounding to the 10s Place Lesson

If the number in the ones place is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then round down. If the number in the ones place is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, we round up. If we round up, the tens digit increases by 1.

Lesson and Practice

Students will review how to round numbers to the nearest tens place. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


You will round values to the nearest tens place. Ten problems are provided.


Students will work on rounding values to the nearest tens place. Ten problems are provided.


We will practice this skill to the next level.


Students will show off their skills in rounding numbers to the nearest tens place. Twenty-five problems are provided.

Warm Up

See how you skills look at this level.


This worksheet explains how to determine the tens place nearest to a given number. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Simple Rounding to 10 Worksheet

Make sure to follow the instructions that are provided for you.


We are really just focused on that ones place to determine where the tens place goes. Ten problems are provided.


We will use the numbers line to help this sink in better.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with all the concepts that we have been exploring. Ten problems are provided.


This is a really nice way to see where you stand with these skills.

Rounding to the Tenth Lesson

Find the place we want to round. Now, look one place to the right i.e. 2 for number 52 If the digit is less than 5, round down. If the digit is 5 or higher, round up. Now considering the above problem, first find the digit in the tens place.

Lesson and Practice

See if you understand what each of these problems are asking of you.


State your answer in each of the boxes.


Pay attention to what is being asked of you.


We continue to work on this series of skills and see how we make out.

Warm Up

The last in the series, but this can be used as an introduction or a renewal.

Rounding to the Nearest Hundred Lesson

First round the numbers 102 and 686. Rounding the numbers 102 gives 100 and rounding 686 gives 700. Then add these numbers that we have rounded above. 100 + 700 = 800.

Lesson and Practice

You will work to solve word problems like: There were 164 people standing at an airport terminal on Monday and 312 people on Tuesday. How many people were there in all? Round the answer to the nearest hundred.


Students will round to the nearest hundred. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice rounding to the nearest hundred. Ten problems are provided.


It is all about making your final answer is in the form that it is asked for. Example problem: Jackson, Danny and Richards have been helping Grandpa to do yard work during the summer. Jack has earned 394 dollars, Ben has earned 127 dollars, and Rick has earned 222 dollars. How much have they earned approximately all together?

Rounding to the Nearest Ten Lesson

Mark the number 74 on the number line. Find which whole ten it is closest to; circle that number on the number line.

Lesson and Practice

On following the rules for rounding, we find 93 is closest to 90. So we underline the number 90 given among the options.


Mark the numbers on the number line. Find which whole ten they are closest to and mark the number.


We will use the symbol '≈' this time. Which translates to almost equal to. This is helpful for rounding.


Find the whole ten they are closest to; underline that number. Eight problems are provided.


Students will show off their ability to round double-digit numbers. Twenty-five problems are provided.

Warm Up

Find which whole ten they are closest to; underline that given among the options.

Rounding to the Nearest Hundreds Place Worksheet

Round each number to the nearest 100s place. You will work on this skill 15 times.


Students will round four-digit numbers to the nearest hundred. Fifteen problems are provided.


Students will do what they need to do to make these values match up. Fifteen problems are provided.


Students will round three-digit numbers to the nearest hundred.

Rounding to the Nearest Hundred Practice

The focus here is getting everything to the nearest hundred. You will work on this skill 15 times.


You will be given a set value make sure that it matches up the way they would like it to appear.


Students will round amounts to the nearest dollar. A chance for you to work on fifteen different questions.

Rounding to the Nearest Dollar Practice

You get to work with dollar and cents values and apply this to it.


Students will round each price to the nearest dollar. A chance for you to work on fifteen different questions.


Students will round amounts to the nearest ten dollars. You will get 15 chances with this concept.

Rounding to the Nearest Tens Place (No Negatives) Worksheet

All of these values that you are presented with are positive.


Students will round two-digit positive numbers to the nearest tens place. You will get 15 chances with this concept.


The focus is on the tens place. Fifteen problems are provided.


Students will round four-digit figures to the nearest tens place. A chance for you to work on fifteen different questions.

Round to the Nearest Ten Worksheet

We will work with four-digit figures. You will get 15 chances with this concept.


More practice with four-digit figures that you will move to the nearest tens place. Fifteen problems are provided.

Round to the Nearest Ten Drill

This drill kind of sums up the skill for you.

Skill Check

You will work with all three-digit figures.

Round to the Nearest Ten Skill Check

More work with three-digit values. You will work on this skill 15 times.

Nearest Thousands Place Worksheet

Students will round four-digit figures to the nearest thousand. Fifteen problems are provided.


Students will round four-digit figures to the nearest thousand.


We work on these rounding skills one last time.