In these worksheets, students will subtract single-digit numbers from double-digit numbers.

You might get intimidated when you see a three-digit number in front of you. But we assure you that three or more-digit numbers are not as much intimidating as you may find them. The subtraction of a three-digit number is similar to the subtraction of any other number of digits. If you are intimidated by the digits, take a deep breath because this guide will help you through the subtraction of these four-digits numbers. Consider this example, and you will exactly know what to do when you come across a four-digit number subtraction. 5 - 73. Now the problem considering the concept of addition and subtraction. What you have to do is borrow a number from a number written over the second number in the problem, and solve the previous number to get your answer. Continue borrowing the number to solve the digits at the right until you cannot borrow any more from the number and your final answer.

These worksheets are for the students who have proficiency subtracting single digits from single digits. They will develop their subtraction skills by learning to subtract single digits from double digits. Students should already have an understanding of mathematical place value terms like "tens place" and "ones place." Some worksheets encourage students to make simple drawings to use as visual aids in solving problems. Your students will use these worksheets to learn how to solve simple subtraction problems. This set of worksheets contains step-by-step solutions to sample problems, many simple practice problems, a review, and a quiz. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will have demonstrated skill in subtracting single digits from double digits. These worksheets explain how subtract single-digit numbers from double-digit numbers. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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Single and Double Digit Subtraction Worksheets

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One-Digit from Two-Digit Subtraction Lesson

This worksheet explains how to subtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.


You will get an opportunity to practice with ten different problems.


You will get more work in with these difference based problems.


The concept of how to subtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number is reviewed. A sample problem is solved and six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their ability with the types of exercises that we have explored so far. Ten problems are provided.


Need to introduce or review these skills? This is an excellent class based activity.


This worksheet explains that to solve these types of question we must follow a two-step process.

Lesson and Practice

Students will subtract one digit from two digits. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

Single Digit from Double Digit Subtraction Worksheet

Learn to find the differences between one digit from two digit values. Ten problems are provided.


We get after it with these difference based problems.


A nice way to practice your subtraction problems. Eight problems are provided.


Students will show off their skills with the concepts and skills we have explored with this topic. Twenty-five problems are provided.

Warm Up

A nice worksheet to use with your entire classroom.

1 and 2 Digit Subtraction Worksheet

Students will solve 1 and 2-digit subtraction problems. Ten problems are provided.


We use a nice solid font and bold form so that it translates well to paper or digital form. Ten problems are provided.


Students will breakdown these problems and take them next level.

Subtract 10s and 1s Lesson

Subtract. Cross out the dots. The box with 'T' is a group of ten! The dots represent ones.

Lesson and Practice

Subtract and compare. The solved example helps you solve the bottom problem. 7 minus 5 is 2. The top problem shows the ones digits that are used to solve the bottom problem. 57 - 5 is 52.


Students will perform the operation of subtraction. Ten problems are provided.


Take your values and see if there is a set difference between them. Ten problems are provided.


We have you model your difference problems to help them best solve. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

A great way to get into the proper frame of mind with this concept. Three problems are provided.