In these worksheets, students will subtract three-digit numbers from three-digit numbers.

How to Borrow From Other Place Values in Large Digit Subtraction Problems - Do you the concept of carrying in addition problems in mathematics, where you put/add an extra value to the number to balance the answer? Borrowing or regrouping in subtraction is just the opposite of this idea. In subtraction, you borrow value from the next biggest digit in the left column to support the digit, which is smaller in value and get an answer for that digit. Some of you might hear the term regrouping. Nevertheless, borrowing and regrouping are the same. The extra amount that you take from the left column is known as the borrowed amount or digit. For example; 4 - 2 = 2 (this required no borrowing or regrouping) 36 - 9 = 27 (this required borrowing or regrouping from the digit 3) The borrowing or regrouping can also move to the next two or three digits in line. For instance, in this example, 624 - 7 = 617, we got this answer by borrowing value from 6 rather than 2. Therefore, it is not certain where the borrowed value lies.

These worksheets are for the students who already have proficiency subtracting single and double digits from single, double, and triple digits. They will develop their subtraction skills by learning to subtract triple digits from triple digits. Students should already have an understanding of mathematical place value terms. Students should already have a firm understanding of and ability to use the technique of borrowing to solve subtraction problems. Your students will use these worksheets to learn how to solve more complex subtraction problems. This set of worksheets contains step-by-step solutions to sample problems, many simple practice problems, a review, and a quiz. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will have demonstrated skill in subtracting triple digits from triple digits. These worksheets explain how subtract triple-digit numbers from triple-digit numbers. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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3 Digit From 3 Digit Subtraction Worksheets

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Three-Digit from Three-Digit Subtraction Lesson

This worksheet explains how to subtract the ones column place and then advance to the tens place.


Students will solve problems by subtracting triple-digit numbers from triple-digit numbers. Ten problems are provided.


Students will practice working from the right to the left with their approach to subtraction. Ten problems for you to tackle.


The concept of how to subtract triple-digit numbers from triple-digit numbers is reviewed. A sample problem is solved and six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with the skills that we have explored here. Ten problems are provided.


This is a nice way to show students, as a class, this concept for the first time. They can work on their own and then come back and check their work with teachers.


To solve this question we follow a three-step process. Subtract the ones column place, then the tens, and lastly the hundreds place.

Lesson and Practice

Students will subtract three digits value from other three digit values. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

3 Digit From 3 Digit Subtraction Worksheet

The font on this worksheet makes it easy to track and follow along with. Ten problems for you to get after.


Students will practice finding the difference between a set of triple digit values. Ten problems are provided.


Students will solve three digits from three digits subtraction problems. Eight problems are provided.


Students will show off their skills with a quick series of twenty-five problems that are provided in an easy to read font.

Warm Up

A nice way to get students thinking in the right track with this skill.