In these worksheets, students will learn to solve simple subtraction and division problems using visual aids.

Visual subtraction is a technique that helps students develop subtraction skills by using objects that they can see and count. During the early ages, when children start going to school and are new to gaining knowledge about different subjects, there are a variety of methods used for engaging children. When kids are little, they usually tend to have a smaller attention span, which is why there are a lot of various methods used for keeping them busy and make sure that they learn something useful. There are a number of strategies that are used for helping children learn through fun ways, such as through games and activities. When it comes to mathematics, several methods are used for making children learn basic operations. They are taught what numbers are, how to count, and in various places, tracing is used for helping children remember how the number looks like and how it can be written down. When children are being taught what addition and subtraction are, the most effective strategy is using pictures. Whether it appears on a page or flashcards, children tend to be more interested when they see colors, and there are fewer chances for them to be distracted. Using pictures to make children learn the basics of subtraction is a pretty smart idea. You can place objects or fruits and tell them that the bigger pile of the fruit has to let go of the smaller pile. Once they are done, tell them to color the picture, they will be more than just happy!

These worksheets are for students who have recently been introduced to the concept of subtraction. Your students will solve simple subtraction problems using diagrams as a visual aid. They will solve simple subtraction problems by visualizing the objects. They will also solve simple division problems by visualizing the objects. On some worksheets diagrams are provided; on others space is provided for students to make diagrams of their own to use as visual aids. This set of worksheets contains step-by-step solutions to sample problems, both simple and more complex problems, a review, and a quiz. It also includes ample worksheets for students to practice independently. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will be able to use visualization techniques to solve simple subtraction problems. These worksheets explain how to solve simple subtraction and division problems using visual aids. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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Visual Subtraction Worksheets

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Subtract Visually Lesson

Find the differences by adding or subtracting. The difference of two numbers means how different or how far apart they are from each other, or how many more one is than the other.

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Lesson and Practice

You can subtract to find the difference OR you can add more to find the difference.


Students solve simple subtraction problems using diagrams as visual aids. Ten problems are provided.


You can draw balls to help you better understand where these problems are going.


You will be comparing green and pink balls to make your point here.

Warm Up

These are straight digits, but we encourage you to draw something to help you.


The shop has 50 Cold drinks People buy 30 How many are left?

Visual Differences Worksheet

Students will solve simple subtraction problems by visualizing the objects. Ten problems are provided.


You will solve real world problems that are shortened for you.

Review and Practice

The concept of how to solve simple subtraction problems by visualizing the objects is reviewed. A sample problem is solved. Six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with solve story based problems. Ten problems are provided.

Class Check

A good way for you to present this to an entire class.


This worksheet explains this problem: A shop has skates = 46, People buy = 17. How many are left ?

Visualizing Differences Lesson and Practice

A work on problems that we can draw visuals for.


Students will use visualization to do simple subtraction. Ten problems are provided.


Break down all of these sheets into digestible pieces for yourself before processing the operations.


We will work on much the same skills we have been exploring here.

Warm Up

This sheet can be used with students as a group and make a good focusing point for a lesson.

Visual Division Lesson

Division is making groups with equal objects; e.g. you have 4 candies and you have to share with your friend equally. That is; 4 objects divided by 2 makes 2 groups of 2.

Lesson and Practice

Students will review how to do simple division using diagrams as a visual aid. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


We take a step up to treat division as a form of repeated subtraction.


You will find a wide range of different items used here.


You will solve problems like this: Divide 12 mugs into groups of 4.

Warm Up

Students will warm up by doing simple division using diagrams as a visual aid. Three problems are provided.

Visual Subtraction Lesson

There are 4 fish in all. 2 of them have to be subtracted. To find 4 minus 2, first count the total number of fish given i.e. 4, take away 2 out of them. After taking away 2, we are left with 2 fish.

Lesson and Practice

Students will review how to do simple subtraction using diagrams as a reference. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.


A good habit to get into with these problems is to crossout the images on both sides of the subtraction symbol.


Students will practice doing simple subtraction using diagrams as a reference. Ten problems are provided.


Your students will work through a series of exercises to improve their skills.

Warm Up

Students will warm up by performing subtraction operations using diagrams as a reference. Three problems are provided.