In these worksheets, students will learn to solve word problems involving exponents.

These types of problems have a great deal of application in the real world. They are often used to track population growth among many different wild animal species. This form of math has a wide range of uses in the financial sector it helps millions of people each day make financial decisions for themselves and the companies that they represent. The action of public officials during the latest human pandemic to plague the world (COVID-19) has been be dictated by the exponential spread of the virus. Having a complete understanding of what each exponential graph means allows us to make confident and well thought out decisions. So, you can clearly see that this type of math is not only important, but it saves lives. Exponential word problems are problems involving something that increases at a constant rate. Exponential expressions can also be use to describe three-dimensional shapes. Your students will write expressions involving exponents that describe the given shape situations. They will also write and solve equations involving exponents to solve problems involving constant rates.

This set of worksheets includes word problems that require all four basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Problems are at both the basic and intermediate levels, and subject matter includes both money problems and real-world situations (renting hotel rooms, gas mileage, etc.). This set of worksheets contains introductory lessons, step-by-step solutions to sample problems, and a variety of different practice problems, a review, and a quiz. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will be able to solve word problems involving exponents. These worksheets explain how to solve word problems involving exponents. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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Exponential Word Problems Worksheets

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Exponential Word Problems Lesson

This worksheet explains how to write an expression to describe a three-dimensional figure. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.


Students will solve word problems requiring them to write and solve exponential equations, and write exponential expressions to describe shapes. Ten problems are provided.


The cost of renting a bike is $54 per day plus $0.09 per mile. If a bike is rented for d days and is driven m miles a day, represent the cost, C, in terms of d and m.


A rectangular tray is twice as long as it is wide. A small border surrounds the tray. The border is a constant 2 feet wide and has an area of 225 square feet. Find the dimensions of the tray.


A rectangular plot is twice as long as it is wide. A small concrete walkway surrounds the plot. The walkway is a constant 3 feet wide and has an area of 165 square feet. Find the dimensions of the plot.


A room is twice as long as it is wide. A small garden surrounds the room. The garden is a constant 4 feet wide and has an area of 304 square feet. Find the dimensions of the room.