In these worksheets, students will learn to solve simple word problems that involve subtraction.

When we are presented with a story-based math problem it often difficult to identify which mathematical operations we will need to use to solve the problem. There are several keywords that are used often in word problems that require subtraction. Common keywords and phrases that indicate the use of the subtraction operation are: decrease, less than, take away, remains. Of course, the keywords minus, difference, and subtract also imply this. The most common question that will indicate that you need to subtract is: How many more or less? This can also be written towards either direction, the key is that we want to find out how much each value differs by.

In these worksheets, your students will solve word problems involving subtraction. Problems involve money and other real word scenarios. Students will write simple subtraction equations to solve word problems. Students will cross out pictures to solve simple subtraction problems. There are eighteen worksheets in this set. This set of worksheets contains lessons, step-by-step solutions to sample problems, and both simple and more complex problems. It also includes ample worksheets for students to practice independently. Students may require extra paper on which to do their calculations. Most worksheets contain between eight and ten problems. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will be able to solve word problems that involve subtraction. These worksheets explain how to solve word problems involving subtraction. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

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Subtraction Word Problems Lesson

There are 18 people at the playground. 5 leave. How many are left?

Lesson and Practice

There are 36 shops in a mall. If 14 of them are closed, find the number of shops that are open?


The Paulson family had 25 peanuts, but 7 got used in a recipe. How many peanuts do they have now?


Bob has 24 candles. If 12 of them are burned, find the number of candles that are left with Bob?


Ron and Jim worked together at a toy shop. They sold 56 toys together. If Ron sold 9 toys, how many toys did Jim sell?

Warm Up

A building is 22 m high and another building is 15m high. What is the difference between their heights?

Word Problems with Subtraction Lesson

Rebecca has 10 beads. 6 beads are red and the rest are blue. How many blue beads does she have?

Lesson and Practice

Paul has 2 books in his bag. His bag has a capacity of 8 books. How many books are needed to fill the bag to its full?


Gary has 5 teddy bears. She gives away 2 of them to her best friend. How many teddy bears does she have now?


Bob, Joe, and Sam had 7 pillows, but 3 got lost under the bed. How many pillows do they have now?


Invitations were sent to 8 relatives for a family get-together. Only 6 relatives came. How many relatives did not come?

Warm Up

John had 3 pairs of sunglasses, but 1 disappeared during a class field trip. How many pairs of sunglasses does he have now?

Visual Subtraction Lesson

This worksheet explains how to cross out pictures to solve simple subtraction problems. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

There are 7 apples on the tree. Marry takes 2. How many are left on the tree? Write the answer in the box.


There are 10 books on a bookshelf. If there are 5 students and each student needs one, how many books will left?


Jackson has 8 tomatoes. 2 of them are rotten. How many are not rotten?


Tim has 6 hammers. 4 are lost. How many does he still have?

Warm Up

Robin has 6 fans at home. 2 are not working. How many are working?