This collection of activity sheets will teach your students about using inferences in their writing.

Readers can often make inferences from a body of work. An inference is a logical conclusion that is drawn by the audience based on the available background information. In order for a well-formed inference to be made, the author has to offer facts that would lead above a good reasonable amount of doubt. This can be formed by work that is presented or prior knowledge that has to be known to shared by the audience they are addressing. Some of the best-known comedians use inferences to make well thought out jokes. The audience is left to read between the lines to come to a conclusion. Authors can use an inference to draw their readers deeper into the story. By not stating every single thing that is happening in great detail, the readers are left to determine what is going on their own. This leaves the imagination to the reader. Many readers thrive on that.

The following worksheets will help your students learn how to recognize and use inference. Activities include interpreting the events in given passages, using prompts to create original writing sentences, and more. Answer sheets have been included for instructors. Fun Project Idea: Have your students find examples of inference in their favorite books (or other media) and present them to the class.

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Drawing Support

Read each passage below. What is going on? Where is the passage taking place? Indicate details from the text to support your answer.

Dr. Hartung and Ellie Worksheet

Dr. Hartung and Ellie

See if you can grasp the account of this story from the character's perspective.

Junebug and Connie Worksheet

Junebug and Connie

What is happening in this seemingly summer tale? You will need to read into the context a good bit here.

Drawing Inferences Worksheet

Drawing Inferences

Answer the questions that are asked of you here. You will need to really read into some of these. Use details from the text to support your answer.

Postcard Worksheet

Postcard Thoughts

Read each postcard and infer where the writer is taking his or her vacation. Write your answer on the line.

Thank You Worksheet

Thank You Melissa!

Read the passage. Then make at least five inferences based on what you have read.

Hey Mister Worksheet

Hey Mister

With this skill the readers are to draw a conclusion based on the evidence you have available. Read the passage below. Draw your own answers to the questions.

Sleep Worksheet

Impossible Sleep

Read the passage. Then answer the questions. The weather is acting up while someone is trying to get some shut eye.

Where Am I? Worksheet

Where Am I?

Read each passage. Where is it taking place? Write your answer on the line. Briefly explain your answer.

Expectations Worksheet


What conclusion can you determine about the man? What is the setting? What else can you grasp from the passage?

Explanation Worksheet

Logical Explanation

Read each sentence and choose the logical explanation. Then, explain why you think your answer makes sense.

Explaining To Do Worksheet

More Explaining To Do

Why would you think something like that? You will be given a sentence and asked to determine the logical solution.

Plain Thoughts Worksheet

Plain Thoughts

The worksheet in this section is very straight forward and doesn't use too much imagination. It does make for a great practice exercise.

Infer Me Worksheet

Infer Me

Write an explanation for where this all goes and where it is headed.

Peg It Worksheet

You Pegged It!

Write a clear and concise interpretation of what is happening here for each of the statements that you evaluate.

Jenny and Pat Worksheet

Jenny and Pat

Read about Jenny and Pat and answer the questions. They are planning a trip to the beach.

Whitney and Ozzy Worksheet

Whitney and Ozzy

What do you think Whitney is getting ready to do? Why?

Mike and the Animals Worksheet

Mike and the Animals

Where do you think Mike went to see all of the animals? What other animals do you think Mike might see?

Taylor Worksheet

Taylor's Present

What do you think is inside the box? Why? What do you think Taylor will say when she opens the box and sees her perfect gift?

Tommy's Favorite Places Worksheet

Tommy's Favorite Places

Draw a picture of where you think Tommy is and something else he might watch while there.

In Writing Worksheet

Using Inferences in Writing

When you are writing, it is not necessary to tell the reader every detail about what is going on. Inference makes writing more interesting, because it closely engages the reader, who has to make connections and draw conclusions as he or she reads.

What You Mean Worksheet

What Did You Mean?

When you are writing, there is no need to hit your reader over the head with what you are trying to say. Let your readers figure some things our for themselves! Practice by writing a brief passage that doesn't directly give the reader the sense of the following locations.

Creating Your Own Worksheet

Creating Your Own Inferences

Write down as many concrete things about your topic as you can think of. Try to think of at least one thing for each of the five senses. Now write a short, descriptive paragraph using your details. Do not mention your topic outright.

Understanding Writing Worksheet

Understanding Writing

Look at the picture. Write a short story that describes what it is going on. Do not use the words swim or swimming pool.

The Deal Worksheet

What's Da Deal?

Use the various sets and messages as you read your latest body of work. Helpful to elevate your personal vocabulary.

Why Do We Use Inferences?

When reading a book, inferences are crucial. Making inferences is a crucial reading comprehension ability for obvious reasons. When we form inferences while reading, we rely on the author’s evidence to come to our logical conclusions. That’s because certain details regarding a character or scenario are not always stated by the author. Here, we will take a look at why we use inferences in story-telling.

Forms of Inference

Making observations or attentively reading a piece of material is the first step in inductive reasoning. You can detect trends and begin to create your own perspective or conclusion by reading and analyzing. The use of evidence as proof of the conclusion or inference formed is an important aspect of this type of reasoning. To make your inference, you can mix evidence, patterns, and observations, which is why it is so important in storytelling.

In deductive reasoning, you start with a concept or hypothesis and work your way backward. Then you put the notion to the test by gathering data to address it. The initial notion will either be proven or rejected after gathering enough observations and evidence.

The two types of inference function in very different ways. The distinction between the two is that inductive inference develops an inference at the end, whereas deductive inference starts with one. Making inductive inferences is more open-ended and allows for greater investigation; rather than proving or disproving a notion, it's about creating one.

An author will not provide all of the facts for us while crafting a narrative. However, they will want the reader to find meaning behind the written text using their imagination. Making inferences entails searching beyond what is mentioned in the text to uncover concepts that the author just alluded to.

Why They Are Important?

The inference question is what aids us in deciphering and drawing inferences from what someone says or writes. We would treat what we hear or read in a literal meaning if we didn’t have inference terms; inferring means reading between the lines and making inferences based on little facts.

In order to comprehend the world around us, we must be able to make conclusions. We wouldn’t be able to comprehend much without them. Even if we have evidence and proof of something, we must be able to draw conclusions from it to comprehend its significance.

Consider a world without inferences: what does it mean to see snow falling outside? Sure, there’s snow, but what else is there? We may deduce that it’s cold from the snow since ice forms at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius. We’d have to walk outdoors and experience the chilly air if we hadn't made that assumption earlier.

In literature, inferences are also essential. If authors had to explain everything to us in order to get their point through, stories would be extremely dull. 'She was happy,' rather than ‘her face lighted up and she leaped for pleasure,’ the author would have to state. It’s not nearly as thrilling.

When drawing conclusions in arguments, especially in formal writings, we must also make inferences. You can have all the evidence you want, but it won't mean anything unless you draw a conclusion from it. ‘Polar bears dwell in the Arctic,’ for example, is correct, but it doesn’t tell us anything unless we add in certain assumptions. We can deduce from this that polar bears can withstand extreme cold. We may also deduce that they coexist with Arctic foxes and Arctic hares in the same area. In short, when we start inferring things, we unearth a lot more data.

Why Teach Inferences?

In a classroom setting, the training of inference skills is critical. It is a higher-order ability that pupils must master in order to get access to the highest levels of comprehension. In addition to math and science, having a finely honed capacity to infer has vital implications in other subjects. Given the importance of pattern reading in these two topics, it’s no surprise that students will find these abilities very beneficial for prediction and evaluation.

Students get an understanding of the need to base their ideas on verifiable data as a result of their ability to infer from hints. This skill's utility extends beyond the confines of the classroom. The capacity to infer will help students in their relationships with others on a personal, social, and business level outside of the classroom.