You teach your students many academic disciplines, but often times, one important life lesson never sees the light of an education day. Building a strong personal character is the cornerstone for any academic plan. With 15 different worksheets that cater to different learning processes, your students will learn about the meaning of words such as integrity, accountability, and sportsmanship. Some worksheets bring out the art talents of your students, while other worksheets rely on more straightforward teaching methods. Ask your students about which personal character traits shine in their daily lives. Your students can nail every answer on an English test, but do they have the humility and good sportsmanship to succeed gracefully? Find out by using these types of worksheets in the classroom.
Printable Character Education Worksheets
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The root of the word integrity means "whole" or "undivided;" living with integrity essentially means to live an "undivided life."

Self sacrifice means to put the good of the whole, or the many, before the self. People of good character do not "use" other people for personal gain. Self sacrifice can happen on a small scale.

Good Character in Everyday Life
Study each picture. What aspects of good personal qualities do you think are being exhibited?

Good Sportsmanship
Good sportsmanship means enjoying a sport, game, or activity for its own sake, without regard for who wins or who loses. Good sportsmanship means acting with honestly, fairness, respect, and a sense of comradery both on and off the playing field.

To be accountable for something means to take responsibility for it. Can you think of five things in your life that you are accountable for?

Character vs. Reputation
Think about the quotation. What does Lincoln mean? Explain the difference between character and reputation.

Character and Success
Your character is who you are, even when no one is watching. The nature of this determines how you act every day, and especially how you act when things aren't going your way.

To show hospitality means to make someone feel welcome and wanted; it often involves sharing food or shelter, for example, offering a guest something to drink, or inviting someone to share a meal or to spend the night.

Flexibility is a willingness to change plans or ideas as a situation changes. It is an ability to cope with change and a component of compromise. Flexibility is also the ability to face challenges in new and creative ways.

Creativity and Character
Creativity is not just about art; it is the ability to approach things from a new perspective. Creativity can be employed in all aspects of life. Think about the situations below. How might you apply creativity to each situation?

Grit is part courage, part endurance, and part resilience. It is a kind of toughness, a dedication to succeeding, even against all odds, even if success takes a very, very long time. Grit is another word for "strength of character." In any particular situation, it is the combination of personality traits that success in that situation demands.

Tolerance is the ability or willingness to peacefully coexist with something or someone that one does not necessarily agree with.

Character Sketches
Choose one of the pillars of good character listed below. Draw a picture of someone who is demonstrating that aspect of life in these series of sketches.

Humility is an acknowledgment that our achievements are not entirely the result of our own efforts; they are also the consequence of having others who are invested in our lives.

What is Good Character?
List what you think are the five most important aspects of character. Explain why you think that each is important.
What is Character Education?
It conveys important values, such as honesty, respect, responsibility, justice, and caring for other human beings, to students. Establishing positive habits is an integral part of developing good character. When it comes to understanding the distinction between good and bad behavior, children need to see the consequences of their actions. They should look up to and emulate people's positive behavior in the community, including teachers and parents.
It should be encouraged and spread across traditional school curricula if it is to be effective. Honesty and tenacity should be developed by persevering with a problem until a solution is found. Students should learn lessons from history's heroes, such as Abraham Lincoln, who walked three miles only to return a penny.
The Importance
The work of a teacher includes assisting their students in reaching their full potential. There are numerous other reasons schools should be involved in character education besides your moral obligation. Your first obligation is to teach your students basic manners by ensuring that they treat each other with respect.
This includes fostering a person's character and encouraging them to be courteous, responsible, and moral. You should also help them cultivate good relationships. As an alternative to the mandated duties, this approach can and does help intellectual development. If someone wants to progress in their career, they must be resilient.
A group presentation or performance would not be possible without the ability to communicate effectively and resolve a dispute. This is a skill that can be taught. Character development helps the ability to learn and succeed in school, while character education encourages students to develop strong personal traits further to prepare them for higher education and the workforce.
Jobs require people skills that will be less vulnerable to automation. By cultivating your children's character, you ensure their academic success and offer various options for them in the future.
The Principles Behing It
- Ethical ideas such as honesty, justice, and respect for self and others are taught as the foundation of strong character in general. In schools that place a high value on character development, students are expected to uphold these values without question. These fundamental concepts, taught in schools, represent the shared humanity and transcend religious and cultural differences.
- The ideas, feelings, and deeds should be taken into account while assessing their persona.
- A well-planned, proactive, and comprehensive strategy that promotes the fundamental concepts in all aspects of school life is essential for character education.
- Students need to feel safe and supported at school.
- Children need opportunities for ethical actions to develop character.
- You must have a challenging academic curriculum that enables all learners to succeed.
- The goal should be to increase students' inner drive.
- Educators at all levels should work together to create a learning and moral community committed to upholding shared values and guiding the development of each student.
- Moral leadership is required from both the teacher and the student in this program.
- The school must work with parents and the community to create character in students.
- The school's character, the effectiveness of the educators, and the point to which students display good character should be measured in evaluations.
Final Words
This process entails establishing high standards for students' academic performance. They learn about virtues such as honesty and persistence when challenged to work up a mental sweat. Schools encourage laziness, carelessness, and irresponsibility when children rarely get homework and aren't held accountable for mistakes.