Irregular verbs differ from regular verbs by they method use in the simple past and past participle.

Verbs that do not play by the standard spelling rules but are commonly found in works are called irregular verbs. Most verbs that are formed in the past tense end in one of three ways -d, -ed, or -ied. Most simple past verbs just end in the letter combination -ed, but not when it comes to the irregulars. This results in the spelling being out of whack, to some extent, require students to memorize a pattern of words. These types of words are known as strong words because they push the action to the maximum very quickly.

The best way to approach learning these forms of verbs is to memorize them. They often become automatic by the time students enter middle school because irregular verbs are often used in natural speech. Students will hear others using these words normally. Below you will find a large selection of worksheets that will help you identify and use irregular speech more accurately. We will explore the proper usage of the words and the verb tense that must be observed in each situation. You will be asked to explore the principal parts of these words that lead us to using them in sentences and writing full on sentences. The best way to get comfortable with these words in by experience. When you complete this selection of fifteen worksheets you have a good handle on this and be heading in the right direction with this skill.

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Printable Irregular Verbs Worksheets

Click the buttons to print each worksheet and answer key.

Circle It Worksheet

Circle It!

We look at forming these words of action by added -d or -ed.

Practice Worksheet

Irregular Verb Practice

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence below. Make sure to close the sentence and that it flows when you read it.

Past Tense Worksheet

Irregular Past Tense Verbs

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

Principal Parts Worksheet

Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs

Complete the table by filling in the missing principal parts of the words that are presented. Follow the example.

Fills Worksheet

The Fills

Fill in the blank with the correct past tense form of the word in parentheses.

Fill in the Blank Worksheet

Fill in the Blank

Choose the correct past tense from the Word Bank to complete the sentences below.

Sentence Correction Worksheet

Sentence Correction

Determine if each sentence contains the correct form of the word. If it is correct, write correct on the line. If it is not correct, write the correct word form of the underlined verb on the line.

Irregular Past Tense Worksheet

Irregular Past Tense Verbs

Circle the correct form of the word to complete the sentence. There are two to choose from and put in the right direction.

Writing Worksheet

Writing Irregulars

Read the sentences below. Underline the irregular verb. Then write the word's past tense on the line provided.

Blank Look Worksheet

Why the Blank Look?

Choose the correct past tense verb to fill in the blank. Circle the best answer. There are three to choose from.

Did You Mean Worksheet

What Did You Mean?

Choose the correct word to fill in the blank. Circle the best answer.

Correcting Worksheet

Correcting Irregular Verb Tense Errors

Determine if each sentence contains the correct wording. If it is correct, write correct on the line. If it is not correct, write the correct word form of the underlined verb on the line.

More Worksheet

More Irregulars

Match the word on the left with the correct past tense on the right.

Rewrite It Worksheet

Rewrite It!

Rewrite the sentences below so that they are in past tense.

Writing Worksheet

Writing the Correct Tense

Choose the correct verb from the word bank that belongs in each sentence. Change the correct tense and fill in the blank.

What are Irregular Verbs?

They can be confusing since they don't follow any rules for tenses like other verbs do. You are just expected to remember the simple past and past particle tenses. These types of words don't follow the typical pattern for the tenses.

Most regular verbs in English use the common "-ed" ending for past and particle tense forms. However, these words have unique forms you have to remember as they may not follow common rules.

Since they are all different, learning them can be one of the hardest parts of learning the English language. There isn't any proper formula, so speakers have no other choice but to rote learn all of them with their special forms.

Irregular verbs honestly have their own rules when it comes to different tense forms. Regular verbs tend to follow the most common rules for grammar by either adding a "-d" or an "-ed" at the end. However, irregular verbs may have completely unique and original forms when they are being used in a sentence. This is where it can get confusing and hard to learn for many people.

Let's take two words as an example: walk and ring. "Walk" is a common regular verb, but "ring" is an irregular verb.

There isn't any real trick or surprise when it comes to the word walk. You are just using the same rules as with other part of speech. All you need to do is add the "-ed" for simple past and part particle tense forms. Sometimes, the base word has an e at the end, so you just need to add "-d" like "dance-danced."

"Ring" is an irregular verb, so normal grammar rules don't really work here. It is incorrect to use the "ringed" form, so you can't use it. Instead, "ring" has a unique past and an original past particular forms. Hence, the right past tense form for "ring" is "rang" and "rung" for the past particle form.

Weak vs. Strong Verbs

Although they are quite similar, irregular and regular verbs are sometimes mistaken for strong and weak word forms.

Strong verbs would be any form of a term that shifts the vowels in the past tense, such as "ring," where the "i" becomes an "a" or "u" in the past tense. Weak verbs, however, maintain the same vowel in the past tense, similar to "ed" used for "walk."

We can observe that all-powerful verbs are irregular if we keep these principles in mind. Weak verbs generate difficulty because certain forms of these terms are also irregular. "Sleep" is one of the most frequent instances of a weak irregular verb since it goes sleep-slept-slept.

Common Non-Changing Irregular Forms

Most regular and irregular verbs have many different forms for various tenses. To assist the speaker or reader in understanding whether you're speaking about the present, past, or future, we add some letters or modify the spelling.

Certain verbs, on the other hand, do not alter verb forms whatsoever. Again, the present, past, and past participle forms utilize the same term and spelling. These words are considered irregular because they don't follow the usual norms.

Here are some terms that are irregular words that don't change at all:

- Bet
- Shut
- Thrust
- Bid
- Burst
- Cast
- Broadcast
- Hit
- Hurt
- Let
- Cost
- Cut
- Put
- Read (pronounced different but written the same way)
- Reset
- Set
- Shed
- Upset
- Split
- Spread
- Wet