Make phonics a fun subject to teach by introducing the worksheets included with the Easy Teacher Writing 3rd Grade lessons.

These worksheets will help draw the writer out of your 3rd graders. Students will be presented with a scenario that will stimulate their creative sides. We would encourage students to outline their thoughts before they begin to write. This is a great activity to stimulate writers to organize how they write and frame their overall message. Some of these passages will get the creative juices flowing for some and not for others. We encourage teachers to give students a choice of several of these to write. Students with stronger interests in a topic will normally write deeper pieces. Celebrate the differences that make each of your students unique and develop important writing skills at the same time with these worksheets.

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Printable 3rd Grade Writing Worksheets

Click the buttons to print each worksheet and answer key.

Dinosaur Worksheet

Bring Them Back!

If you could bring back just one species of dinosaur, what would it be? Why? How do you think it would get along in the modern world?

Superpower Writing Worksheet

Third Grade Writing Prompts

If you could have one superpower, what would you want it to be? Imagine you have been asked to design a new school. What features do you want the school to have?

Looking Different Worksheet

Really Different

Imagine that you wake up one day looking really different from everyone else. What happened? What do you do?

Ninja Skills Worksheet

My Ninja Skills

What is one skill you would like to learn? Why do you want to learn it? How will your life be different when you master this skill?

Cat Worksheet

That Cat!

I knew there was something different about that cat the first time we locked eyes. I felt all funny at first, and then...

Backyard Worksheet

Alien In My Backyard

An alien lands in your back yard. He is friendly. He only has an hour to stay, and he wants to learn all that he can about Earth while he is here. What do you tell him? What do you show him?

Creature Worksheet

Create A Creature

If you could create a creature to be the perfect pet, what characteristics from different animals would you include? What would your pet look like? What kind of personality would it have?

Space Journey Worksheet

Space Journey

Imagine that you are traveling into space on a rocket to visit a distant planet. Describe the journey.

Finish the Story Worksheet

Finish the Story

There was a loud rumbling sound and the sky filled with smoke. When it cleared, I saw a tiny blue spaceship in the middle of my back yard...

Humpty Dumpty Worksheet

Finish the Story

When Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, he didn't break to our surprise, he...

Angry Worksheet

Don't Be Angry With Me

What do you think would make a bee angry? Write a story about a bee that gets really angry. What makes him angry? What does he do?

Picture Writing Worksheet

What the Heck Is That?

Look at the picture. What kind of creature is this? What does it want? Where did it come from? What happens next?

Gorilla Worksheet

Finish the Story

George the Gorilla grew up in a zoo. More than anything in the world, he wanted to be a human. One day...

Home Worksheet

At Home

How many people live in your home? Who are they? Describe a pet that you have or that you would like to have.

My Car Worksheet

My Wheels

You have been asked to design a cool new vehicle. What will it look like? Where will it travel? What will it be able to do?

Writing Exercises For 3rd Graders

Students at the 3rd grade level are struggling to express themselves through writing. As teachers we need to embrace this and provide them opportunities to get this greatness out of them. We should inspire students to write with purpose. With this in mind, we want our writers to stay on topic and learn to organize what they are about to write. The overall goal is to have students learn to group sentences well to create well thought out and constructed paragraphs. As the grades fly by, the level of writing improves for students navigating grade school. Your students should love reaching deep into their imaginations to address a hypothetical situation. "Imagine you wake up one day looking really different from everyone else. What happened? What would you do?" Questions like this form the foundation for building writing skills. With all of these worksheets, your class should move leaps and bounds ahead to be prepared for 4th grade writing assignments.

When children enter the 3rd grade, they are just starting to express themselves through words, which is why writing exercises are crucial at this age. Most 3rd graders are learning to put together words and sentences at this age and might even be able to write with some style and humor. However, kids tend to get bored easily and soon; they start looking at writing as homework.

You must help students see writing as fun. One way to do this is to develop several writing exercises that will keep kids interested. Children need to feel passionate about writing rather than seeing it as a chore.

1. Fun Captions

You have to ask students to cut out some pictures from magazines or print some from the internet. You could also print out the images and give them to your students as random prompts. Every day, get the students to paste the pictures into their notebooks and ask them to write a one to three-line caption that best describes the image.

This will allow students to use their imagination without feeling too much pressure. They can write 10 or 100 words depending on how much time they take and how well they can articulate their thoughts. It is essential to give them the freedom to write anything they want so that they can have some fun.

2. Finish the Story

This is a fun writing exercise for 3rd graders that involves the entire class. The idea is that one student will start the story with a small sentence, and then other students in the group will continue using one sentence each. By the end, you will be left with a complete story that all students in the classroom have written.

You will find that the end product is weird and funny, but this is the good part. The story will allow students to be as creative as they want and start to enjoy writing.

3. Storyboarding

Children usually enjoy learning visually than writing. If you find this true for your students, storyboarding is a great option. It uses several skills, such as writing, organisation, and creativity. You can also plan your stories from start to end with ease.

One way to do this is by giving students a storyboard with all images drawn beforehand. Each student will have to write a caption that best describes the image. This is an excellent exercise for kids who do not like drawing.

Another way is to provide students with a half-completed storyboard. You can finish the first two frames and tell the students to complete the rest. They can use their drawings and words for this exercise.

If you have students in your class who are extremely fond of art and have a creative mind, you can give them a blank storyboard template. This will allow students to draw what they like and use their words accordingly. The freedom they get during this exercise will help them fall in love with writing. You could give them a prompt, such as football or a sunny day so that they have an idea of what to draw.

These writing exercises for 3rd graders are perfect for jogging their imagination and keeping them interested without making writing seem like a chore. After all, kids are impressionable, and you do not want them to dislike something as important as writing from a young age, so it is vital to give them the freedom to explore and learn.