Spelling worksheets for 6th grade students and teachers. Just print and go!

These worksheets contain spelling activities for your sixth grade students. Activities include answering short questions with words from a word bank, unscrambling spelling words, filling out crossword puzzles, matching words to their definitions, dividing spelling words into groups by number of syllables, placing spelling words into alphabetical order, finding spelling words in a word search puzzle, completing spelling words using definition clues, using given spelling words in a sentence, decoding secret messages, and more.

While many teachers start to expect rather than assess spelling at this level. We do find a huge drop off of spelling skills at this grade level as students begin to rely solely on the spelling check function of their devices.

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Printable 6th Grade Spelling Worksheets

Click the buttons to print each worksheet and answer key.

Spelling Workbook Worksheet

Grade Six Spelling Workbook

Complete this worksheet in a vertical fashion. Only the words above the sentences matter.

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Left Over Worksheet

Left Over Puzzle Letters

Solve the hidden message by using the letters which were not used!

6th Grade Crossword Puzzle Worksheet

6th Grade Crossword Puzzle

This is where students will either make a difference or be totally lost; when they are not given a word bank.

Cryptogram Worksheet

First List Cryptogram

This is a double unscramble. First start with the words to then move on to the phrase.

Spelling Chart Worksheet

Practice Spelling Chart for all Spelling Lessons

This is a 5-stage chart: 1. Cover up the word/say it to yourself 2. Spell the word without looking at it 3. Uncover the word and check for errors 4. Cover up the word again and spell it in your head 5. Spell the word and then check it for the last time.

Lesson Two

Lesson Two Grade Six Spelling Workbook

The word list includes: Barbeque, easel, skiing, tongue, lounge, autumn, column, condemn, solemn, barricade, issue, tissue, athlete, schedule, appreciate, hibernate, conserve, relaxation, fascinate, and procrastinate.

Crossword Puzzles

Crossword Puzzles

We move into a slanted crossword world.

Scrambled Worksheet

Scrambled Up Words!

Solve these without looking at your list.

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Alphabetical Order Worksheet

Alphabetical Order

Put the words in order soon.

Maze Worksheet

Get out of This Maze

A vocabulary primer for students to work hard on.

Lesson Three

Lesson Three Grade Six Spelling Workbook

The spelling words in the box all start with the letter Aa.

Letter A Word Find Worksheet

Letter A Word Find

All of the terms in this puzzle begin with the letter A. So your first job is to spot that particular vowel and build off of it.

Fallen Phrase Worksheet

Fallen Phrases

Unscramble the tiles and place them into the blanks making a message.

Syllable Chart Worksheet

Syllable Chart Sheet

Put your spelling words into a syllable chart: abbreviation, ability, absence, accept, accidentally, account, achieve, acquainted, acreage, activity, addition, addresses, admire, adult, adventure, advice, afford, agreement, alter, altogether, ambulance, amphibian, amuse, anchor, ancient, angle, apartment, appeared, applaud, apply, appointment, appreciate, approach, Arctic, arithmetic, artistic, assignment, Atlantic, attract, audience, automobile, autumn, average, and avoid.

True or False Worksheet

True or False Questions

Some really deep thinking questions here? Not really, just vocab. definitions.

Lesson Four Worksheet

Lesson Four Grade Six Spelling Workbook

We move over to words that start with the letter "I".

X Word Find Worksheet

X Word Find

Find your Spelling Words, make a list of those found and hold a contest!

Letter Unscramble Worksheet

Letter Unscrambles

Unscramble the words below. Some are your spelling words and some are new words.

True or False Worksheet

True or False @2

An improvement in something is meant by becoming better or safer?

Numbers Off Worksheet

Numbers Off

Match the words to their definitions.

Letter E Word Puzzle Worksheet

Letter E Word Puzzle

Using your spelling words, answer the following.

Working With Words Worksheet

Working With Words

Pick three words of your own choice and write a sentence or two.

Letter E Crossword Worksheet

Letter E Crossword

This crossword will use words starting with E that might not be on your spelling list!

Letter E Scrambled Worksheet

Scrambled E's

Obviously all the words are started by placing an "e" first.

Word Match Worksheet

Word Match

This is more of a draw a line from one column to the next worksheet.

Power Words Worksheet

Power Words

This is a tough word list to work with. It includes the words: cyst, system, Syntax, lyric, lymph, nymph, symmetry, syndicate, synopsis, voice, troy, poise, recoil, rejoice, destroy, employ, spoil, moist, broil, choice, enjoyment, disjointed, employment, appointment, howl, gown, cowl, down, allow, endow, vowel, crowd, prowl, scowl, brown, flowery, and powerful.

Middle School Word Find Worksheet

Middle School Word Find

Fin everything in the word list to make it fun.

Crazy Cryptogram Worksheet

Crazy Cryptogram

Where does this puzzle come from? The word list of course.

Who You Are Worksheet

Who You Are?

Try to figure out this Cryptogram. Use a pencil and do your rough work below! One hint 24 = I

Your Way Out Worksheet

Find Your Way Out

You may need to think through finding your way out before you begin to write anything. You will be Amazed!

How 6th Graders Can Improve Their Spelling

Spelling can be tricky for anyone, especially 6th graders. New and complex spellings are taught to students in this grade, who learn more about different kinds of words. However, once they get the knack for this, they’ll move on from the 6th grade with a better sense of the English language.

Common Problems At this Grade Level

Similar Sounding Words:

In the 6th graders, students often get confused with words that sound or look familiar, such as accept and except. Such words are not something that students will learn simply by practicing but by actively learning.

To help students with such words, try telling 6th graders to write out brief definitions of each word and use them in a sentence. Once students understand how and where a word is used, it’s unlikely that they will forget.

Confusing Vowels

Some words are tricky to spell based on the sheer number of similar-sounding vowels present, for example, coupon or separate. Students often mix up the location of the vowels.

To help students with such words, ask them to emphasize the vowels when pronouncing them. This can be better done by breaking the word down into syllables. For example, breaking separate into se-pa-ra-te. If practiced enough, this will become a subconscious habit in students, helping them spell such complex words.

You could help your 6th grader improve their spelling in many different ways.

Spelling Games

Games make students focus on the task and keep them interested and attentive. However, 6th graders are mostly grown up, so you would require some complex games. Some games you can have your students play are:

  • Letter Scrabbles
  • Spelling Bees
  • Memory Games
  • Word Scrambles
  • Spelling Lists

Spelling lists were created for teachers to know which words should be taught to the children. The list contains 850 words, accounting for 80% of the words students use. The list gets shorter as the student progresses in grades. However, there are around 300 words that a 6th grader should know how to spell; you can find the list here.

Make Learning Fun

Commonly, a 6th grader does not enjoy studying and would rather spend their time playing or watching entertaining videos. It is up to the educator to grab the attention of the students. There are different ways that you can achieve that:

  • Make songs or rhymes using spelling
  • Create a word bingo
  • Use arts and crafts
  • Make up competitive spelling games.

Use the internet. It is full of exciting things students can do to learn.


The best way to learn something is to do it repeatedly. Practice makes perfect! Get your students to complete different tasks daily. The goals of the tasks should be:

  • Spell words they read and use frequently
  • Begin to spell unknown words
  • Understand how words are formed.

Finishing Up

It is essential to know that not every child is the same. Every child learns at their own pace and in their own way. Some perform better under visual learning, while some are better at memory. It is important not to lose focus of the goal and keep your students steadfast in their learning.

The best thing for 6th graders is practicing, making mistakes, and learning from them. 6th graders are at an advanced age where they do not need to be coddled. They realize that they have work to do and should do it. So, lead them with a carrot and a stick.