These worksheets will define descriptive writing and provide exercises and tips for its effective use.

Whether writing to inform, persuade, or entertain, authors use descriptive writing to add more rounded characterization, highlight relevant details, and clarify events or examples for the reader. In this section you will find a series of worksheets and solid examples to help your students learn to use appropriate descriptive writing techniques and styles. Your students will be provided sheets that examine three uses of writing-in product advertising, describing people and objects, and in reporting on events-and be given several worksheets to complete a similar task. "Tip" sheets are included in each packet for ease of reference. You will find individual work and group work in this section. Students will be forced to think on an additional level with the focus being on developing an extra sense of self and surroundings. Teachers at many different grade levels have found this section to be very helpful for their lessons.

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Printable Descriptive Writing Worksheets

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Brief Overview of This Style

Brief Overview of This Form of Writing

While many students enjoy descriptive writing, they can sometimes become lost in the details, forgetting that their main goal is not just to report sensory details but to use them to support a main idea and create a consistent overall tone or mood.

Written Advertisement Worksheet

Making a Written Advertisement

Writing a successful advertisement often relies on sensory details and vivid imagery; however, it also adds another component: sales.

Example of Written Advertisement

Example of Written Advertisement

Dual Crown Technology reduces the size of the clubhead's crown while increasing the size of the base to lower the CG; Promotes a higher launch angle and lower spin rate for greater distance

Tips for Writing Ads Worksheet

Tips and Checklist for Making a Written Advertisement

Know your audience. What group is being targeted? Consider their ages, likes/dislikes, interests, values, etc. This analysis will help in choosing words and descriptions that can make the product more appealing to the targeted group.

Writing Prompt #1 Worksheet

Writing Prompt #1 for Making a Written Advertisement

Examine printed advertisements. Choose one, and write an advertisement for the same product with a different approach.

Writing Prompt #2 Worksheet

Writing Prompt #2 for Making a Written Advertisement

Create a product (it could be a spin on an existing one or an original idea), brainstorm about its benefits and targeted audience, and then sell the product with a written advertisement.

Writing Prompt #3 Worksheet

Writing Prompt #3 for Making a Written Advertisement

Inspect two ads for the same type of product. Which one is better and why? Rewrite the first one to improve its effectiveness.

Reporting on an Event Worksheet

Reporting on an Event

This type of writing typically uses chronological order, is generally more objective and journalistic than writing a narrative, and often requires taking notes and talking to people who are involved with the event, including the people attending.

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Example of Reporting Worksheet

Example of Reporting on an Event

The following example is a report on the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Reporting Tips Worksheet

Tips and Checklist for Reporting on an Event

When writing, give a clear overview of the event, emphasize important quotes and details, and note the most significant elements of the day.

Reporting Practice #1 Worksheet

Practice #1 for Reporting on an Event

Find a report on a well-publicized event. Evaluate it based on the previous criteria. What was good? What would you have changed? Why?

Reporting Practice #2 Worksheet

Practice #2 for Reporting on an Event

Look through the local paper for community events. After choosing one to attend but before the event occurs, interview at least two key people involved and two people who are also planning to attend.

Description of a Person/Object Worksheet

Description of a Person/Object

People watching is an activity that many people enjoy, and it requires observational skills such as noticing body language, clothes, facial expressions, overall appearance, voice, and many others.

Example of Description Worksheet

Example of Description of a Person/Object

The following example of a description of a person is taken from Eudora Welty's "A Worn Path"

Description Tips Worksheet

Tips and Checklist for Description of Person/Object

Write from a distinct perspective to clarify the topic as well as establish your relationship with it. For example, think describing a hand from a fortune teller's point of view and a manicurist's point of view.

Descriptive Writing Prompt #1 Worksheet

Descriptive Writing Prompt #1 for Description of Person/Object

Choose a person that has made a significant impact on you and write a descriptive paper focusing on him/her. Although you should use visual aspects, focus more on describing other characteristics.

Descriptive Writing Prompt #2 Worksheet

Prompt #2 for Description of Person/Object

What object is most important to you right now? Why? Write a paper describing the object and its significance.

Prompt #3 Worksheet

Prompt #3 for Description of Person/Object

Visit the library or another public place. Sit quietly and observe the room. Record as many sensory details as you can. What did you notice that you have previously overlooked?

Writing Prompt #4 Worksheet

Writing Prompt #4 for Description of Person/Object

Sit outside with your eyes closed and observe using only your other senses. When you finish, write about how not using one sense affected your ability to observe.

What Is Descriptive Writing?

In simple words, descriptive writing is a style of written language that focuses on describing a scene, place, person, or thing. Through this form of language, authors can paint an image of whatever they are explaining in the reader's brain.

It is used for the purpose of describing a person, place, or thing. This form of writing has a bold appeal to readers when it is used to activate their human senses. When we frame language in this way it will often help set an atmosphere that far exceeds the words on the page and almost force the intended audience to form an emotional connection with the piece. The use of sensory language can transform the details of a story from mundane and vague into a vivid heart-pumping vision by the readers. Teachers will often help students become better descriptive writers through modeling and sharing literature of this form. Experience we find is one of the best exercises towards mastering this skill.

Additionally, descriptive writing is written keeping all five senses in mind. For example, you are reading a descriptive essay about Niagara Falls. In that essay, the writer will focus on the following details:

Hearing: The sound of the waterfall and birds chirping

Touch: The feeling of wet grass

Smell: The smell of fresh rainwater

Taste: Taste of rainwater

Vision: The beauty of nature

Furthermore, authors use figurative language in their work, such as hyperbole, alliteration, personification, etc. Now that we know all the elements of a descriptive essay, let’s do an exercise to get a deeper understanding.

You can also do this exercise to improve your deepth of use with this technique. Below are a few other ways you can enhance your descriptive writing skills. Understand how to use all five senses to create a small descriptive passage about Niagara Falls.

"Niagara Falls is nothing less than heaven on earth. The soothing sound of the waterfall makes you forget about all worldly concerns. As one moves through the wet bank towards the mesmerizing blue water, they are caught off-guard by how beautiful nature can be. As I sit on the damp grass surrounding the waterfall, I think about how this place is so much more than I had imagined it to be. Birds sing in the distance as the rain starts to hit the grass. As sweet raindrop lands on my lips and I smell the fresh rain, I think, how will I ever leave this place?"

How to Improve Your Descriptive Writing Skills?

By following these tips, you will see significant improvement in your descriptive language abilities.

The first and most important tip to improve your descriptive writing is to use all five senses mentioned above in your descriptive essay. This will help you create a beautiful piece.

Use figurative language as it helps you give your language more character, e.g., personification was used in the above passage ‘Birds sing’ to provide the writing with more illustrative characteristics.

Read more comic books as they are descriptive. The illustrations in comic books always fit well with what’s going on in the story. Doing so will help you create better imagery for your audience.

Practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and trying new exercises to improve your writing. A fun exercise is to place any object in front of you and write a small descriptive paragraph.

Another way to improve descriptive writing is to read pieces written by others and notice how they create imagery through their words. Reading will immensely help you improve your ability to compose your thoughts in written form.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know what is descriptive writing and what you need to do to improve. Go ahead and try out the fun exercises mentioned above. You can also do this with your friends and see different writing styles. Doing so will also help you identify what elements might be missing in your thoughts to incorporate them into your stories or passages next time.