These activity sheets will teach your students how to break tasks down into individual steps.

We often begin to learn to write things in a chronological manner because it is logical and flows well. Chronological flows are ordering events or things in a way that occur in time. Narrative writing is often paced in this manner. When we begin to transition to writing things sequentially, we are just learning to drop a few details along the way. Sequential order on the other hand, is ordering things in in a step in a process or events. When writing in this form it is ideal to outline a clear plan for what you are going to put together. It often helps to provide some background for your audience prior to jumping into your sequence. This provides with some context that they can use to add more value and significance for each step of the event or process. Some writing exists in order to teach the reader how to perform a specific task, such as repair a broken appliance, remove and replace a car part, upgrade a phone, use a piece of software, diagnose a computer problem, etc.

This collection of worksheets provides specific activities for your students to break down into step by step directions. Your students may be amazed at how difficult it can be to clearly explain very simple tasks! Bring order to the worksheets that we present for you below or just put them in the order that matters to the reader.

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Printable Sequential Order Writing Worksheets

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Getting Ready for School

Describe how you get ready for school in the morning.

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How Do You Brush Your Teeth?

Write down step-by-step instructions to answer the question, "How do you brush your teeth?"

Teach Me How to Play!

Think of a simple game that you enjoy. Imagine that you have invited a friend to play with you, but your friend doesn't know how to play. Write down the directions.

How to Blow a Bubble

Write instructions to explain how to blow bubbles.

How to Make a Sandwich

Write step-by-step instructions for how to make a sandwich. Use as many steps as you need, depending on what kind of sandwich you like!

Sequential Order Writing Worksheet

Write down instructions for how to get from your classroom to the school cafeteria. Use the transition words provided.

The Substitute Teacher

Imagine that your teacher is out sick for the day, and your substitute teacher does not know your classroom routine. Write down detailed instructions so that your substitute teacher will know what to do and when.

How Do You Tie Your Shoes?

Write down step-by-step instructions to answer the question, "How do you tie your shoes?"

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Let's Party!

Imagine you are going to host a party. Write down the steps you take to prepare for your guests. Use transition words like the ones below.

Lost and Found

Imagine your friend has lost her jacket. Write down instructions to tell your friend what to do to try to find her jacket.

Plot Writing

Describe the plot of a story you read recently. Only use as many numbered steps as is necessary.

What Did You Do Yesterday?

Complete the topic sentence with a word that describes what kind of day you had yesterday. Then support the topic sentence by describing what you did yesterday. Relate the events of your day in sequential order.

Sequential Writing

Describe, step-by-step, how you wash your hair.

How Do You Build A World?

Describe, step-by-step, how to create a simple new world in Minecraft. If you don't play Minecraft, describe how to play a video game you are familiar with.

How to Use an Internet Search Engine

Write step-by-step instructions for how to find something that you are looking for on the Internet.